A Task Editor for the Discovery Method
By: Thom Parkes
Supervisor: Dr AJH Simons
Date: October 2007 - May 2008
Software required: You will need to have the latest version of the
Java Runtime Environment installed on your machine.
Installation: No installation is required.
Running the program: Simply double-click on the DiscoveryEditor.jar file.
Running the program in the command window:
- open a command window
- navigate to the src directory: eproj/code/src
- type the command - 'java Run'
- the program should run
User Guide: A User Guide can be found here.
Documentation: Full javadoc of the code can be found within the javadoc folder.
Directory Structure: The code directories are held in the following structure.
- src - the directory containing the source code
- discovery - directory containing the CASE tool source code
- data - the classes relating to data management
- ComponentDataManager.java
- Configuration.java
- ConnectionDataManager.java
- NarrativeDataManager.java
- gui - the classes relating to the user interface
- DiagramLayoutManager.java
- DrawingArea.java
- DrawingFunctions.java
- FlowDrawingArea.java
- GUIFunctions.java
- MainScreen.java
- NarrativeScreen.java
- Node.java
- PrintManager.java
- StructureDrawingArea.java
- model - the classes relating to the logical task model, mainly 'model' objects
- ActorModel.java
- ComponentModel.java
- ConnectionModel.java
- ConsistencyChecker.java
- DateGenerator.java
- IDGenerator.java
- NarrativeModel.java
- ObjectModel.java
- PushPopper.java
- TaskModel.java
- view - the classes relating to the view of the model, mainly 'view' objects
- ActorView.java
- ComponentView.java
- ConnectionView.java
- EndPointView.java
- FailPointView.java
- ObjectView.java
- StartPointView.java
- TaskView.java
- org - directory containing the JDOM class files