CatWalk is a software testing tool for Java, which uses the lazy systematic unit testing
method. This generates tests that explore the complete behavioural response of a compiled
Java unit, including all states and input equivalence partitions.
This project seeks to seeks to raise the level of abstraction at which software systems
are created and modified, through reusable model design languages. Models are converted to
software systems through a cascading set of transformations.
This project provides a set of tools for verifying specifications, and generating tests for
software services in the cloud. Future cloud service brokers will benefit from this and other
mechanisms for continuous quality assurance and optimisation.
JWalk is a software testing tool for Java, which uses the lazy systematic unit testing
method. This dynamically explores compiled Java code to discover ideal test-sets that
drive the code through all of its states and transitions.
This project offers fast, compact methods for processing XML data into Java
Abstract Syntax Trees, with DOM-readers and writers, streaming SAX-builders and
Java-binding conventions for marshalling and unmarshalling.
This project has created a model-checker for the Z Notation, a well-known formal specification
language. The tool translates a Z specification into the SAL state-based language, used by a set
of tools provided by the Stanford Research Institute. Z specifications may be simulated and