Data from Angus's Weather Station

My son's weather station has an anemometer, temperature sensor, rain gauge, and enviro pHAT (used to measure air pressure and light levels) connected to a pi zero w, mounted on the roof of our house. It sends readings to a google spreadsheet, and this web page pulls data from that spread sheet to visualise.

Select which two readings you would like to view:

For the left axis (shown in blue): Temperature (Celcius)
Presssure (hPa)
Wind Speed (km/h)
Rainfall since midnight (mm)
Light (Lux)
For the right axis (shown in red): Temperature (Celcius)
Presssure (hPa)
Wind Speed (km/h)
Rainfall since midnight (mm)
Light (Lux)
Date/time range to display (default is last week). Move the sliders or set the dates in the text boxes:

Start date/time:
End date/time: