John Derrick
Contact Details
Professor of Computer Science
I currently teach a 3rd year and MSc course on the Theory of Distributed Systems. This covers an introduction to process algebra, CSP, as well as the theory and use of refinement. In general my teaching interests are in formal methods,
specification, design and testing.
My research interests are in
specification, design and testing using formal methods. Much of the
work has been conducted as part of a group applying formal techniques
to problems in distributed systems, although my own interests have
broadened out to general problems in formal specification. In
particular, I have a specific interest in the use and theory of refinement
in specifications languages. This covers both state-based languages
such as Z and B, as well as process algebraic approaches, eg as found
in CSP and LOTOS.
We did a significant amount of work on formal
specification and verification of distributed multimedia systems and
the use of viewpoints in Open Distributed Processing. More recent
interests have looked at the application of model checking techniques
to the Erlang functional programming language, this ties in with the
above work on specification since we use an abstraction of Erlang to
the muCRL process algebra in order to verify liveness properties of OTP
Erlang code.
Research themes include the following:
- Refinement in state-based systems
- Integrated formal methods
- Viewpoint specification using formal methods
- Formal methods, their semantics and interrelationships
- Property-based testing and model checking of Erlang code
- Testing of formal specifications
- Specification and verification of non-functional
requirements (eg QoS)
- True concurrency semantics for process algebras
- Type management in distributed systems
- Applications of temporal and deontic logics (eg to
multimedia and enterprise specification)
- Policy specification
- Frameworks for distributed systems: architectural
semantics, specification templates, object orientation, interfaces.
I joined the Department of Computer Science at
Sheffield in January 2005, having previously been at the University of
Kent. Thus some details of my previous work can be found at my
University of Kent home page,
and in particular the home page of the theoretical
computer science research group.
I am recently held a Leverhulme
Research Fellowship for two years.
Current interests and projects include the following:
The home pages of the projects:
contain in depth descriptions of some of this work.
I have worked with a number of colleagues, at Kent these
including: David
Akehurst, Clara Benac-Earle, Howard Bowman, Eerke Boiten, Behzad Bordbar, Charles Briscoe-Smith,
Jeremy Bryans,
Bujorianu, Jovan
Cakic, Peter
Linington, Ralph
Miarka, Maarten
Steen, Chris
Taylor and Gill
If you are interested in undertaking a PhD in any of the above
topics, please contact me. A list of possible dissertation topics can
be found here. Alternatively,
if you have a particular theme in mind, I would be interested in
hearing of it.
Funding and support for the group has been provided by the EU, EPSRC,
the Royal Society, British Council, British Telecom, APM, Eurocontrol, and the DTI.
Here is a list of grants
held. These include recent EPSRC research projects mentioned above and also work on distributed systems design environments,
viewpoints in ODP, consistency checking and a collaboration with
Lancaster University on performance analysis. A new EPSRC grant on Model Driven Architecture will begin later in 2009, this is a joint project with King's College, London.
and events
I am involved in the following:
- I am Vice-chair of IFIP
Working Group 6.1 (Architectures and Protocols for Distributed
Systems), and on the steering committees of FMOODS, FORTE/PSTV and
- I am on the steering committees of a number of IFIP international conferences including FMOODS
(Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems); TestCom and FORTE.
- A member of the programme committee for a number of conferences, including the International
Conference of Z
Users; the Integrated
Formal Methods (IFM) series of conferences.
- Conference chair for FORTE/PSTV in 2007; IFM in 2004; and FMOODS in 1997. Workshop chair for Formal Methods 2008 in Turku.
- Program committee member for ASM'04
- I have just finished being on the Panel for the
BCS Distinguished
Dissertations scheme
- Chair of the BCS FACS sub-group on refinement
I organised Integrated
Formal Methods 2004 at Kent in Easter 2004, and FMOODS at Kent in
July 1997. I was co-chair of
the St-eve
workshop at FME'03 on State-oriented vs. Event-oriented thinking in
Requirements Analysis, Formal Specification and Software Engineering.
With Eerke Boiten, I run the series of International Refinement Workshops. These events have included the following:
the Refinement
Workshop, at FME/FLOC in Copenhagen in July 2002.
The refinement
workshop at ICFEM conference in Manchester in 2005. The meeting co-located with ICFEM 2006
in October 2006. We then co-located with
FM 2008 in Turku.
The next meeting will be held at FM2009 in Eindhoven. More details of these meetings are available: here. Each meeting gives rise to a special issue of a journal, past issues have appeared in Formal Aspects of Computing and Science of Computer Programming.
I am a member of the Verification and Testing research group.
Recent books include the following:
Journal guest editors
- Guest editor of Science of Computer Programming in 2009 (to appear) containing papers
from the 2008 refinement workshop;
- Guest editorships of editions of Formal Aspects of Computing in 2005 and 2008 containing
selected papers from the refinement workshops;
- Guest editor for an edition of Formal Aspects of
Computing, volume 18(1), March 2006, on formal methods and testing.
- Guest editor for an edition of Formal Aspects of
Computing, volume 17(4), December 2005, containing selected papers from
- Guest editor for an edition of Software and System Modeling
(SoSyM), May 2005.
- Guest editor for an edition of Formal Aspects of
Computing, 15(1), November 2003, containing selected papers from REFINE
- Guest editor for an edition of IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering, volume 26(7), 2000.
- Guest editor for an edition of Software Testing,
Verification and Reliability, volume 10(4), 2000.
- Guest editor for an edition of Computer Science Education,
volume 10(3), 2000.
Other publications
A list of Journal and Conference publications is also