I'm working on NLP for social media, semantic search, GATE, crowdsourcing of NLP corpora, and collaborative text annotation. I am demos co-chair at ACL'2014 and help co-organise the biannual conference "Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing".
I am leading the PHEME EU project on computing veracity of social media content. I am also the PI of the TrendMiner and DecarboNet European projects, and a Co-I of the uComp project. Earlier in 2013 I completed leading the JISC-funded EnviLOD project. Between 2006 and 2009 I was the Principal Investigator (PI) on 3 EU-funded projects (MUSING, TAO, and ServiceFinder) and the co-ordinator of the TAO consortium, which involved 7 partner institutions.
Between 2004 and 2006 I was Sheffield's technical project manager and researcher on the SEKT Integrated Project. Before that, I was Sheffield's technical manager and researcher on the MIAKT e-science project and I also contributed to the AKT project. I have also been working on Sheffield's GATE open-source NLP infrastructure since 1999.
Current Work,
Other Professional Activities Latest tweets, My blog, FOAF data: |
Research Interests (Some lectures) NLP for social media, information extraction, NLP Infrastructures (GATE) Semantic technologies, Text mining and analytics, Natural Language Generation (A demo from MIAKT) |
The way to deal with an impossible task is to chop it down into a number of merely very difficult tasks, and break each one of them into a group of horribly hard tasks, and each one of them into tricky jobs, and each one of them...
Department of Computer Science