
Current projects

Augmented Reality, robots and safety

This PhD project in collaboration with the AMRC began in Feb 2019. The project makes use of HoloLens 2 and Robot Operating System (ROS) to control a robot arm and visualise safety information using AR. Recent work has been investigating the use of virtual safety zones around a moving robot arm.

Neural Style Transfer

Most work on neural style transfer concentrates on images, with applications such as Prisma for turning photos into art. This PhD project, which began in October 2020, is focussing on 3D neural style transfer, which could be applied to both real and synthetic worlds where depth information can be determined. More information:

Wet cloth

There are multiple simulation approaches for both liquids and cloth. Combinations are less common. This work is enhancing this idea further by considering multiphase combinations. More information:

Text-guided 3D object manipulation

There has been a lot of recent attention on using text input to produce images. This project is investigating how to use text input to produce and edit 3D objects.