Build metamodels, models and model transformations
Grand Challenge
The context for the ReMoDeL Project is an attempt to tackle some of the outstanding
Grand Challenges in Software Engineering. These include the following themes:
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE):
is the idea that, in future,
software systems will not be constructed by writing lines of program code,
but at a higher level of abstraction, using appropriate design models.
Program-It-Yourself (PIY):
is the idea that, in future, business
end-users should be able to specify the kinds of systems that they need, using
domain-specific languages tailored to express their requirements directly.
Scrap-Heap Challenge (SHC):
is the idea that, in future, software
will be cannibalised from existing systems, but not at the code-level, rather
at the model-level, from which new systems will be automatically generated.
Self-Verification and Test (SVT):
is the idea that, in future, models
will be correct-by-construction, and generated code will be automatically tested
against the models, and be self-monitoring for correct runtime behaviour.
Hit the Moving Target (HMT):
is the idea that the software tools and
methods used to assemble systems will be agile and flexible enough to achieve
all the above, while the system's requirements are constantly changing.
Business as Usual (BAU):
is the idea that, no matter what changes are
made to the system, business data will be kept safe and there will be no
interruptions to normal service.