University of Sheffield

Reusable Model Design Language

Build metamodels, models and model transformations
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This is a list of publications related to ReMoDeL. It includes papers and introductory tutorials on the current version of the language and compiler; and some papers on earlier versions, included for historical interest.

ReMoDeL v3

The current version is a bespoke pure functional object-oriented language for expressing models, metamodels and declarative transformations. It cross-compiles to Java and serialises models in a simple text format.

ReMoDeL v3 (current version)
A. J. H. Simons, ReMoDeL: A pure functional object-oriented concept language for models, metamodels and model transformation. Proc. 13th. International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2025), 26-28 February, Porto, Portugal. eds. F. J. Domínguez Mayo, L. Ferreira Pires, E. Seidewitz: (SCITEPRESS, 2025), 242-249. Conference Version, Open Access Version.
A. J. H. Simons. ReMoDeL Data Refinement (rev 1.0): data transformations in ReMoDeL, Part 1. Technical Report, 25 July, School of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2022). Open Access Version.
A. J. H. Simons. ReMoDeL Data Refinement (rev 1.0): data transformations in ReMoDeL, Part 2. Technical Report, 31 July, School of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2022). Open Access Version.
ReMoDeL Tutorials (start here)
A. J. H. Simons. ReMoDeL Explained (rev 2.2): an introduction to ReMoDeL by example. Technical Report, 25 January, School of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2023). Open Access Version.
A. J. H. Simons. ReMoDeL Compiled (rev 2.2): the cross-compilation of ReMoDeL to Java by example. Technical Report, 25 January, School of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2023). Open Access Version.

ReMoDeL v2

This earlier version was a pure Java approach for expressing metamodels, using hybrid declarative/imperative patterns for mapping, merging and updating transformations. It serialised Java models to XML format. The Grand Challenge is still relevant, and has not yet been met.

ReMoDeL v2 (old version)
A. J. H. Simons, Automatic requirements analysis, validation and verification, Future Engineering System Dissemination Event, 25 June (Bristol: CFMS, 2018), presentation. Powerpoint Presentation.
A. F. Subahi: A Business User Model-Driven Engineering Method for Developing Information Systems. PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2015). Open Access Version.
The Grand Challenge for Software Engineering
A. J. H. Simons and W. M. L. Holcombe, Remodelling software systems - the 2020 grand challenge for software engineering, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2011), 1-15.
Challenge Website, Open Access Version.

ReMoDeL v1

This earliest version was a pure XML approach for expressing metamodels and models. Transformations were executed using imperative Java programs using a hierarchical composition of translation modules.

ReMoDeL v1 (older version)
A. F. Subahi and A. J. H. Simons Multi-level transformation from conceptual models to databases in ReMoDeL, in Composition and Evolution of Model Transformations, eds. K Lano and S Zschaler, (London: Bentham Science, 2011). Public Draft Version.
A. F. Subahi and A. J. H. Simons: A multi-level transformation from conceptual data models to database scripts using Java agents, Proc 2nd. Int. Workshop on Composition and Evolution of Model Transformations, eds. K Lano and S Zschaler, 30 September, (London: Kings College, 2011), 7.1-7.8. Open Access Version, Powerpoint Presentation.
A. J. H. Simons, A. F. Subahi and S. M. T. Eyre, Practical model-to-code transformation in four object-oriented programming languages, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2011), 1-25. Open Access Version.
A. J. H. Simons, Self-monitoring software: folding assertions into model-generated code, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2011), 1-15. Open Access Version.
XML Metamodel Specifications
A. J. H. Simons. ReMoDeL OOP: Object-Oriented Programming Model Specification, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2012). Open Access Version.
A. J. H. Simons. ReMoDeL FUN: Functional Programming Model Specification, Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2011). Open Access Version.
A. J. H. Simons, A. F. Subahi and M. Ram. ReMoDeL DBQ: Database and Query Model, White Paper, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield (2010). Open Access Version.