This table lists all the Latex tags we accept but we are happy to extend the list. Please email us if you feel there is something missing.
\all | |
\also | |
\and | Synonym for \land and \wedge |
\author | |
\backslash | Synonym for \setminus and \zhide |
\bbar | Synonym for \cbar, \zbar and | |
\begin{abstract} | |
\begin{axdef} | |
\begin{displaymath} | |
\begin{class} | |
\begin{document} | |
\begin{op} | |
\begin{quote} | |
\begin{schema} | |
\begin{sidebyside} | |
\begin{thebibliography} | |
\begin{zed} | |
\bf | |
\bibitem | |
\bibliography | |
\bibliographystyle | |
\bigcap |
Synonym for \dint, \dinter |
\bigcup |
Synonym for \duni, \dunion |
\bij | |
\bool | |
\bullet | Synonym for \dot and \spot |
\cap | Synonym for \int, \inter |
\cbar | Synonym for \bbar, \zbar and | |
\circ | |
\cite | |
\comp | Synonym for \fcmp |
\cross | Synonym for \prod |
\cup | Synonym for \uni and \union |
\date | |
\ddef | Synonym for ::= |
\defs | Synonym for \sdef and == |
\Delta | |
\dint |
Synonym for \bigcap, \dinter |
\dinter |
Synonym for \bigcap, \dint |
\div |
\documentclass | |
\documentstyle | |
\dom | |
\dot | Synonym for \bullet and \spot |
\dots | |
\dres | |
\dsub | |
\duni |
Synonym for \bigcup, \duni |
\dunion |
Synonym for \bigcup, \dunion |
\em | |
\emph | |
\emptyset | Synonym for \varemptyset |
\eq | Synonym for = and \Leftrightarrow |
\equiv |
Synonym for \Xi |
\exi | Synonym for \exists |
\exists | Synonym for \exi |
\false |
\fcmp |
Synonym for \comp |
\filter | |
\finset |
Synonym for \fset |
\first | |
\footnote | |
\forall | |
\fovr | Synonym for \oplus and \zovr |
\fset | Synonym for \finset |
\fun | Synonym for \tfun |
\geq | Synonym for \geqslant |
\geqslant |
Synonym for \geq |
\head | |
\id | |
\iff | |
\imp | Synonym for \implies |
\implies | Synonym for \imp |
\in | |
\inj | Synonym for \tinj |
\institute | |
\int |
Synonym for \cap, \inter |
\integer | Synonym for \num |
\inter |
Synonym for \int, \cap |
\inv | Synonym for ~ and ^{-1} |
\it | |
\label | |
\land | Synonym for \and and \wedge |
\lang | Synonym for \ldata |
\ldata | Synonym for \lang |
\ldots | |
\leq | Synonym for \leqslant |
\leqslant |
Synonym for \leq |
\Leftrightarrow | Synonym for = and \eq |
\limg | |
\lnot | Synonym for \not and \neg |
\lor | Synonym for \or and \vee |
\lsch |
Synonym for [ |
\M | |
\maketitle | |
\map | |
\mapjava | |
\mapsto | |
\max | |
\mathit | |
\mem | |
\min | |
\mod |
\nat | |
\nat_+ |
Synonym for nplus, nat_1 and natone |
\nat_1 | Synonym for nplus, nat_+ and natone |
\nat | |
\natone | Synonym for nat_1 and nat_+ |
\ndres | |
\neg | Synonym for \not and \lnot |
\negate | |
\nem | Synonym for \nmem and \notin |
\neq | |
\newblock | |
\nextside | |
\nmem | Synonym for \nem and \notin |
\not | Synonym for \lnot and \neg |
\notin | Synonym for \nmem and \nem |
\nplus |
Synonym for nat_1, nat_+ and natone |
\nrres | |
\num | Synonym for \integer |
\O | |
\oplus | Synonym for \ fovr and \zovr |
\or | Synonym for \lor and \vee |
\pfun | |
\pinj | |
\plus | |
\power | Synonym for \pset |
\prod | Synonym for \cross |
\pset | Synonym for \power |
\psubs |
Synonym for \subset |
\psur | Synonym for \psurj |
\psurj | Synonym for \psur |
\psups | Synonym for \supset |
\quad | |
\ran | |
\rang | Synonym for \rdata |
\rdata | Synonym for \rang |
\ref | |
\rel | |
\rimg | |
\rres | |
\rsch |
Synonym for ] |
\sdef | Synonym for \defs and == |
\second | |
\section | |
\setlength | |
\setminus | Synonym for \backslash and \zhide |
\size | Synonym for \# |
\spot | Synonym for \bullet and \dot |
\ST | Synonym for \where |
\star | |
\subs | Synonym for \subseteq |
\subsection | |
\subset | Synonym for \psubs |
\subseteq | Synonym for \subs |
\sups | Synonym for \supset |
\supset | Synonym for \sups |
\supseteq | Synonym for \psups |
\surj |
Synonym for \tsur |
\t1 | |
\t2 | |
\t3 | |
\tfun | Synonym for \fun |
\tinj | Synonym for \inj |
\true |
\tsur | Synonym for \surj |
\times | |
\title | |
\upto | Synonym for .. |
\uni | Synonym for \cup and \union |
\union | Synonym for \uni and \cup |
\usepackage | |
\varemptyset | Synonym for \emptyset |
\vee | Synonym for \or and \lor |
\wedge | Synonym for \and and \land |
\where | Synonym for \ST |
\Xi | Synonym for \equiv |
\zbar |
Synonym for \bbar, \cbar and | |
\zhide | Synonym for \setminus and \backslash |
\zovr | Synonym for \ fovr and \oplus |
\# | Synonym for \size |
\[ | |
\] | |
\{ | |
\} | |
\\ | |
\~ | |
\@ |