Broker@Cloud verification and testing tool suite

Continuous quality assurance and optimization for cloud service brokerage

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Department of Computer Science

Cloud Service Test Generation


This page grants access to a web service for generating high-level tests from a cloud software service specification. This test generation tool was developed for the EU FP7 Broker@Cloud project, to support the continuous quality assurance objective.

Model-based testing is a formal process in which all paths through a specification are systematically explored to generate all possible test sequences that the service might encounter. Test sequences are typically generated to some finite bounded depth, to avoid an explosion of cases. However, it is important to cover all of the states and transitions of the service, and also to attempt all significant input partitions that might trigger different behaviour. The formal specification captures both of these aspects, such that the test generation tool can provide an ideal test suite that covers all the paths in the service specification. The high-level test suite is expressed in a technology-agnostic way that must then be grounded in any particular implementation technology.

Platform-Neutral Test Suite Generator

This web service generates a high-level test suite from a software service specification. It returns machine-readable data in XML format. Please supply the public URL of the XML file containing the service specification in XML format. (You may copy an example URL from the specification page). Please also supply the depth to which tests will be generated (the maximum path length to be explored from each state) and whether multi-objective tests are to be generated (fewer paths, possibly verifying multiple properties per path).

URL of the specification:
Maximum test depth (int):
Multi-objective tests (boolean): Off On
Click to generate test suite:

If the input file can be read, the output will be an XML file containing the high-level tests (otherwise an error message will be displayed). The root node TestSuite will contain a Notice node, whose children nodes consist of Advice nodes describing the stages in generating and filtering the resulting tests, and Warning nodes describing any transitions and states that were not covered in the specification, for the chosen depth of exploration. The remaining TestSequence nodes are the paths to test, presented as an ordered set.

Each TestSequence describes a unique scenario to test, consisting of a sequence of TestSteps. Typically, the early TestSteps in a sequence denote set-up actions and the final TestStep is the particular step under observation, to be verified. However, if multi-objective tests were selected, some TestSequences may also have intermediate verified TestSteps. This is where shorter tests have been merged into longer tests, where the shorter sequence is a prefix of the longer sequence.

Grounding to Platform-Specific Tests

The returned high-level test suite is intended for service providers to develop their own bespoke grounding to concrete tests. For demonstration purposes, we have supplied some standard groundings that use the JUnit framework, on the test grounding page. A grounding is a transformation from high-level platform-independent tests to low-level executable tests. This can be done by any program that understands the XML format of the generated tests and the expected implementation technology of the cloud service to be tested.

It is fairly simple to build a grounding. A Visitor Pattern style of transformer can visit every node in the generated XML test suite, and output suitable code in the concrete programming language. The testing philosophy is that each TestSequence starts afresh (the initial TestStep creates, or resets the service) and then drives the service through a unique series of TestSteps, corresponding to the different branching scenarios described in the service protocol, and ends with a final TestStep which must be verified using assertions. To leverage the full power of the Stream X-Machine testing method, the verified step must assure that:

  • any outputs returned in the response are the expected outputs
  • the request triggered the expected named scenario of the operation
  • the service subsequently entered the state named by the step

The above assumes that software services are designed according to certain important design-for-test criteria, namely that they are able (when run in test mode) to report which branching scenario was last executed, and which UI state was reached. Our grounding examples presume that the implemented services provide this capability as extra read-only operations.

Apart from this, the generated high-level tests cover both positive tests for expected behaviour, and negative tests for unwanted behaviour that should be blocked. Positive tests are indicated by the scenario's response-name, for example, "ok" for a normal response, or "error" for a planned error handler. Negative tests are always indicated by the response "ignore", which is generated automatically. In a positive test, some outputs may be bound, but in a negative test, the outputs are not bound (and assertions should check that the service returns no information in this case).

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