University of Sheffield

Anthony J H Simons, MA PhD

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
University Computer Science Testing Group Space Tech Europe Industry

Contact Details

My office is Room 119, First Floor, Regent Court (East Wing). To get there, enter Regent Court through the main archway on Portobello, bear left across the quadrangle to reach the East Wing entrance, then take the stairs to the first floor. Follow the main corridor in a clockwise direction until you reach a dead-end. Room 119 is then on your left.


A dot J dot Simons at sheffield dot ac dot uk


(+44 | 0) 114 222 1838 (direct)
(+44 | 0) 114 222 1800 (department)
(+44 | 0) 114 222 1810 (fax machine)
(+44 | 0) 114 222 1870 (PhD students)

Postal Address

Dr Anthony J H Simons
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court, 211 Portobello
Sheffield, S1 4DP
United Kingdom

Anthony J H Simons