University of Sheffield

Anthony J H Simons, MA PhD

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
University Computer Science Testing Group Space Tech Europe Industry

Research Publications: Journal

Find: Journal Articles Conference Papers Books/Reports Other Articles Citations
Refereed Journal Articles
T. W. Gyeera, A. J. H. Simons and M. P. Stannett, Kalman filter based prediction and forecasting of cloud server KPIs. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, (IEEE, 2022), online 25 October, 2022.
DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2022.3217148. ISSN: 1939-1374 (online). IEEE Explore version, Public repository version.
T. W. Gyeera, A. J. H. Simons and M. P. Stannett, Regression analysis of predictions and forecasts of cloud data centre KPIs using the boosted tree decision algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, (IEEE, 2022), online 20 December, 2022.
DOI: 10.1109/tbdata.2022.3230649. ISSN: 2332-7790 (online). IEEE Explore version, Public repository version.
A. J. H. Simons and R. Lefticaru, A verified and optimised Stream X-Machine testing method, with application to cloud service certification. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, (John Wiley, 2020), online 18 February.
DOI: 10.1002/stvr.1729. ISSN: 0960-0833 (print). Open access version, Public repository version.
S. Alharbi, M. Hasan, A. J. H. Simons, S. Brumfitt and P. D. Green, Sequence labeling to detect stuttering events in read speech. Computer Speech & Language, 4 December, (Science Direct: Elsevier, 2019), online 4 December.
DOI: 10.1016/j.csl.2019.101052. Open access version, Public draft version.
M. Kiran and A. J. H. Simons, Testing software services in cloud ecosystems. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, 6 (1), January-March, (Hershey: IGI Global, 2016), 46-64.
DOI: 10.4018/IJCAC.2016010103. ISSN: 2156-1834 (print), 2156-1826 (online). Public draft version.
F. Gonidis, I. Paraskakis and A. J. H. Simons, Rapid development of service-based cloud applications: the case of the cloud application platforms. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, 5 (4) , (Hershey: IGI Global, 2015), 1-25.
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSOE.2015100101. ISSN: 1947-3052 (print), 1947-3060 (online). Public draft version.
C. A. Fernández-y-Fernández and A. J. H. Simons, An implementation of the task algebra, a formal specification for the task flow model in the Discovery Method. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 12 (5) , (Coyoacán, CCADET-UNAM: Elsevier, 2014), 908-918.
DOI: 10.1016/S1665-6423(14)70597-8. ISSN: 1665-6423. Public draft version.
A. F. Subahi and A. J. H. Simons, Domain-specific language for enabling end-users model-driven information system engineering. WASET International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, 7 (7), (New York : World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2013), 882-885.
DOI:, ISSN : 1307-6892. Open access version, Public draft version.
A. J. H. Simons, G. Fraser and L. Bottaci eds., Guest editorial to the special section on TAIC-PART 2010, Testing: Academic and Industrial conference - Practice and Research Techniques. Software Practice and Experience, 43 (9), (London : Wiley, 2013), 1101-1102.
DOI: 10.1002/spe.2115. ISSN: 1097-024X (online). Open access version.
C. A. Fernández-y-Fernández and A. J. H. Simons, An algebra to represent task flow models. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Theory and Practice, 6 (2), (New Delhi : Serials Publications, 2011), 63-74.
ISSN: 0973-5267. Public draft version.
J. Derrick, S. North and A. J. H. Simons, Z2SAL: a translation-based model checker for Z. Formal Aspects of Computing, 23 (1), eds. J. P. Bowen and M. J. Butler, (London : Springer-Verlag, 2011), 43-71.
DOI: 10.1007/s00165-009-0126-7. ISSN: 0934-5043 (text), 1433-299X (online). Public repository version.
R. M. Hierons, K. Bogdanov, J. P. Bowen, R. Cleaveland, J. Derrick, J. Dick, M. Gheorghe, M. Harman, K. Kapoor, P. Krause, G. Lüttgen, A. J. H. Simons, S. Vilkomir, M. R. Woodward and H. Zedan, Using Formal Specifications to Support Testing. ACM Computing Surveys, 41 (2), February, (New York: ACM, 2009), 9:1-9:76.
DOI: 10.1145/1459352.1459354. ISSN: 0360-0300. Public draft version.
A. J. H. Simons, JWalk: a tool for lazy systematic testing of Java classes by introspection and user interaction. Automated Software Engineering, 14 (4), ed. B. Nuseibeh, (Springer, USA, 2007), 369-418.
DOI: 10.1007/s10515-007-0015-3. ISSN: 0928-8910 (text), 1573-7535 (online). Public repository version.
A. J. H. Simons, A theory of regression testing for behaviourally compatible object types. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 16 (3), Special Issue: UKTest 2005: 3rd UK Workshop on Software Testing Research, eds. M Woodward, P. McMinn, M. Holcombe, R. Hierons (London: John Wiley, 2006), 133-156.
DOI: 10.1002/stvr.349. ISSN: 1099-1689 (online). Public repository version.
B. Henderson-Sellers and A. J. H. Simons, The OPEN software engineering process architecture: from activities to techniques, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (was: Australian Computer Journal), 32 (1), (Sydney: Australian Computer Society, 2000), 47-68.
ISSN: 1443-458X. Public repository version.
A. J. H. Simons, On the compositional properties of UML statechart diagrams. Electronic Workshops in Computing: Rigorous Object-Oriented Methods 2000, ed. C. J. van Rijsbergen (London: British Computer Society, 2000), 8.1-8.12.
ISSN: 1477-9358 (online). Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, M. Snoeck and K. S. Y. Hung, Using design patterns to reveal the competence of object-oriented methods in system-level design. Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 14 (6), eds. G Grosz and T Dillon (Leicester: CRL Publishing Ltd., 1999), 343-352.
ISSN: 0267-6192. Public draft version.
K. G. van den Berg and A. J. H. Simons, Control flow semantics of use cases in UML. Information and Software Technology, 41 (10), (North Holland: Elsevier, 1999), 651-659.
DOI: 10.1016/S0950-5849(99)00027-0. ISSN: 0950-5849. Public draft version.
B. Henderson-Sellers, D. G. Firesmith, I. Graham and A. J. H. Simons, Instantiating the process metamodel, Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, 12 (3), June, (SIGS Publications, 1999), 51-57.
ISSN: 0896-8438.
A. J. H. Simons and I. Graham, 37 Things that don't work in object modelling with UML, British Computer Society Obj.-Oriented Prog. Sys. Newsletter, 35, eds. S Kent and R Mitchell (BCS: Autumn, 1998), 1-24.
Public draft version.
A. J. H. Simons, Borrow, copy or steal? Loans and larceny in the orthodox canonical form. Sigplan Notices, 33 (10), eds. B. Freeman-Benson, C. Chambers (New York : ACM/Sigplan, 1998), 65-83.
DOI: 10.1145/286942.286948. ISSN: 0362-1340 (print), 1558-1160 (online). Public draft version.
B. Henderson-Sellers and I. M. Graham, with additional input from C. Atkinson, J. Bezivin, L. L. Constantine, R. Due, R. Duke, D. Firesmith, G. Low, J. McKim, D. Mehandjiska-Stavrova, B. Meyer, J. J. Odell, M. Page-Jones, T. Reenskaug, B. Selic, A. J. H. Simons, P. Swatman and R. Winder, OPEN: toward method convergence? IEEE Computer, 29 (4), (IEEE, 1996), 86-89.
DOI: 10.1109/2.488359. ISSN: 0018-9162. Public draft version, Scanned facsimile.
A. J. H. Simons, Low E.-K. and Ng Y.-M., An optimising delivery system for object-oriented software. Object-Oriented Systems (now defunct), 1 (1), (London: Chapman and Hall, 1994), 21-44.
ISSN: 0969-9767. Public draft version.
A. J. H. Simons, Pitch synchronisation for frequency domain analysis. Proc. Institute of Acoustics, 14 (6), ed. R A Lawrence (St Albans: IOA, 1992), 71-78.
ISBN: 1-873082-41-X (vol), 1-873082-43-6 (vol set).
A. J. H. Simons, On finding objects in speech signals. Proc. Institute of Acoustics, 12 (10), eds. R Lawrence and W A Ainsworth (St Albans: IOA, 1990), 225-232.
ISBN: 1-873082-12-6 (vol), 1-873082-14-2 (vol set).
P. D. Green, A. J. H. Simons and P. J. Roach, The Sylk project: foundations and overview. Proc. Institute of Acoustics, 12 (10), eds. R Lawrence and W A Ainsworth (St Albans: IOA, 1990), 249-258.
ISBN: 1-873082-12-6 (vol), 1-873082-14-2 (vol set).
A. J. H. Simons, Phonetic tokens for symbolic reasoning: an appraisal of Distinctive Feature theories. Proc. Institute of Acoustics, 8 (7), eds. R Lawrence and W A Ainsworth (St Albans: IOA, 1986), 507-512.
ISBN: 0-946731-47-0 (vol), 0-946731-48-9 (vol set). Public draft version.
A. J. H. Simons, Underlying phonetic explanations: representing causal knowledge in a phonetic knowledge base. Proc. Institute of Acoustics, 8 (7), eds. R Lawrence and W A Ainsworth (St Albans: IOA, 1986), 499-505.
ISBN: 0-946731-47-0 (vol), 0-946731-48-9 (vol set). Public draft version.

Invited Series in Journal of Object Technology
Journal of Object Technology
The following is my popular monograph The Theory of Classification, published in 20 parts by the Journal of Object Technology, under the editorship of Richard Wiener.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 1: Perspectives on Type Compatibility. Journal of Object Technology, 1 (1), May-June, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2002), 55-61.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2002.1.1.c5. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 2: The Scratch-Built Typechecker. Journal of Object Technology, 1 (2), July-August, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2002), 47-54.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2002.1.2.c4. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 3: Object Encodings and Recursion. Journal of Object Technology, 1 (4), September-October, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2002), 49-57.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2002.1.4.c4. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 4: Object Types and Subtyping. Journal of Object Technology, 1 (5), November-December, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2002), 27-35.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2002.1.5.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 5: Axioms, Assertions and Subtyping. Journal of Object Technology, 2 (1), January-February, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2003), 13-21.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2003.2.1.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 6: The Subtyping Inquisition. Journal of Object Technology, 2 (2), March-April, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2003), 17-26.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2003.2.2.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 7: A Class is a Family of Types. Journal of Object Technology, 2 (3), May-June, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2003), 13-22.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2003.2.3.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 8: Classification and Inheritance. Journal of Object Technology, 2 (4), July-August, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2003), 55-64.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2003.2.4.c4. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 9: Inheritance and Self-Reference. Journal of Object Technology, 2 (6), November-December, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2003), 25-34.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2003.2.6.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 10: Method Combination and Super-Reference. Journal of Object Technology, 3 (1), January-February, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2004), 43-53.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2004.3.1.c4. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 11: Adding Class Types to Object Implementations. Journal of Object Technology, 3 (3), March-April, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2004), 7-19.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2004.3.3.c1. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 12: Building the Class Hierarchy. Journal of Object Technology, 3 (5), May-June, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2004), 13-24.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2004.3.5.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 13: Template Classes and Genericity. Journal of Object Technology, 3 (7), July-August, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2004), 15-25.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2004.3.7.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 14: Modification and Objects like Myself. Journal of Object Technology, 3 (8), September-October, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2004), 15-26.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2004.3.8.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 15: Mixins and the Superclass Interface. Journal of Object Technology, 3 (10), November-December, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2004), 7-18.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2004.3.10.c1. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 16: Rules of Extension and the Typing of Inheritance. Journal of Object Technology, 4 (1), January-February, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2005), 13-25.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2005.4.1.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 17: Multiple Inheritance and the Resolution of Inheritance Conflicts. Journal of Object Technology, 4 (2), March-April, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2005), 15-26.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2005.4.2.c2. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 18: Polymorphism Through the Looking Glass. Journal of Object Technology, 4 (4), May-June, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2005), 7-18. DOI: 10.5381/jot.2005.4.4.c1. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 19: The Proliferation of Parameters. Journal of Object Technology, 4 (5), July-August, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2005), 37-48.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2005.4.5.c4. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.
A. J. H. Simons, The Theory of Classification, Part 20: Modular Checking of Classtypes. Journal of Object Technology, 4 (7), September-October, ed. R Wiener, (Zurich: ETH, 2005), 7-18.
DOI: 10.5381/jot.2005.4.7.c1. ISSN: 1660-1769. Open access version.