Z Mathematical Toolkit
The Z notation provides a rich foundation of mathematical datatypes,
including sets, relations, functions, sequences and bags. Since these
are frequently used in Z specifications, we implemented one or more SAL
library contexts to model each datatype. Each context is parameterised
by one or more types, affording reuse of each context to model many
different typed constructions, by instantiating the parameters with
different types.
Here, we provide copies of the latest SAL library context files used
to model the Z mathematical toolkit. These have been painstakingly
developed and tested (using the theorems from the Z reference manual)
for soundness. They are periodically revised, when new encodings are
discovered that are more efficient. Currently, the SAL encodings fall
into two groups: those constructions based on SAL sets, and those
constructions based on SAL total functions.
The Set Contexts
We wanted to preserve the style of Z, in which every datatype may
ultimately be viewed as a kind of set. There is one main set context
and several anciliary contexts that provide additional operations.
Cardinality of sets always requires a custom context, optimised for
the maximum number of elements in a set — here we give an
example for sets with up to five elements. One context provides
extra operations on sets-of-sets.
- set.sal
— for sets and finite sets
- power.sal
— additional operations for powersets
- count5.sal
— for counting sets with max 5 elements
- setmax.sal
— for computing set maximum, minimum values
The Relation Contexts
Relations are basically sets-of-pairs in Z. All set-like operations
on relations are accessed from the set context. The relation context
provides additional operations over domain and range sets. Two more
contexts deal with relational composition, and computing closures over
a homogeneously typed relation. The identity relation may be computed
for a subset, or for the whole type.
The Function Contexts
Functions are also sets-of-pairs in Z. However, we use a different
SAL encoding, where a (partial) Z function is encoded as a total SAL
function, from the domain type to an extended codomain type (with the
undefined bottom value). This means that all the set and relation
operations are replicated for this new encoding. It is also possible
to convert from the SAL function encoding to the set-of-pairs encoding.
The Sequence Contexts
Sequences are functions from positive naturals to elements in Z. We
use a similar SAL encoding as for (partial) Z functions, with an extended
codomain type (including bottom). This datatype was extremely difficult
to encode, because of the need to preserve sequence order, after deleting
arbitrary elements. For this, we developed a finite recursive encoding
of the Z squash() operation that renumbers sequence elements.
A separate context distributively concatenates sequence-of-sequence types.
The Bag Context
Bags are functions from elements to the positive naturals in Z. We
used a similar SAL encoding as for (partial) Z functions, with an extended
codomain type (where zero is bottom). This datatype was fairly easy to
develop, after the others.
- bag.sal
— for bags mapping elements to natural numbers