Description: Description: Phil Green

Phil Green's Home Page

Contact Information

Speech and Hearing Research Group ,Department of Computer Science ,University of Sheffield

Regent Court , 211 Portobello St., Sheffield S1 4DP , UK

phone: (44) 114 22 21828  fax: (44) 114 22 21810 email:

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Current Teaching

Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIF Semester 1 of COM2001, Advanced Programming Techniques – Functional Programming

Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIF Semester 2 of  COM1005, Machines and Intelligence – AI Techniques.


All my teaching materials are now on MOLE.

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Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIF Emeritus Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield

Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIF Head of Department (Sept 2004-Dec 2008)

Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIF Elected to the board of ISCA (International Speech Communication Association), 2017-2020

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Research Interests

Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIFAuditory Scene Analysis and Speech Recognition in Noise Can sound-source segregation techniques, based on auditory processing, be used as a front-end to provide evidence for recognition?

Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIFMissing Data Speech Recognition: Can speech recognition techniques be adapted to handle incomplete evidence, for instance provided by auditory scene analysis? Theoretical analysis of and practical solutions to this problem (with Jon Barker and Ning Ma).

Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIFClinical Applications of Speech  Technology Training and Recognition aids for  disordered speech - the Stardust, VIVOCA, CloudCAST and homeService projects (with Jose Gonzalez Lopez and Heidi Christensen).

Description: Description: H:\public_html\VerySmallBlob.GIF Silent Speech: Helping people who can no longer speak following a laryngectomy. In collaboration with the University of Hull. Development of Permanent Magnetic Articulography and Direct Synthesis (with Jose Gonzalez Lopez ). The REDRESS, DISARM and SRAM projects.

Publications 1990-97

Publications 1998-2012

Publications 2013-


Browsing Oral History Demo

June 2017