Stephan Druskat et al. Better Architecture, Better Software, Better Research (Under Review)
Kenneth Y. Wertheim, Robert Chisholm, Paul Richmond, Dawn Walker. Multicellular Model of Neuroblastoma Proposes Unconventional Therapy Based on Multiple Roles of p53, PLOS Computational Biology (Accepted, Awaiting Publication)
Maxim Smilovitskiy, Sedar Olmez, Paul Richmond, Robert Chisholm et al. Overcoming Computational Complexity: A Scalable Agent-Based Model of Traffic Activity using FLAME-GPU. [Paper]
Carlos Borau, Robert Chisholm, Paul Richmond, Dawn Walker. An agent-based model for cell microenvironment simulation using FLAMEGPU2. [Paper]
Carlos Borau et al. FLAME GPU 2: A multiscale orchestrated computational framework to reveal emergent phenomena in neuroblastoma. [Paper]
Paul Richmond, Robert Chisholm, Peter Heywood, Mozhgan Kabiri Chimeh, Matthew Leach. FLAME GPU 2: A framework for flexible and performant agent based simulation on GPUs. [Paper, Code]
Robert Chisholm, Steve Maddock, Paul Richmond. Improved GPU near neighbours performance for multi-agent simulations. [Paper]
Chelsea Sabo, Robert Chisholm, Adam Petterson, Alex Cope. A lightweight, inexpensive robotic system for insect vision. [Paper | Website]
Robert Chisholm, Paul Richmond, Steve Maddock. A Standardised Benchmark for Assessing the Performance of Fixed Radius Near Neighbours. [Paper | Code]