Yuxin Cui, An AR or VR game that uses particle systems
Zijian Huang, Constructing a life path
Siyuan Peng, Making cat faces
Mingrui Tang, Variations on a facial expression
Ye Zhao, An AR or VR game that uses particle systems
Ruiyong Cao, Modelling objects using sweeping and a Hololens 2
Mu Chen, Automating the extraction of new landmarks from 3D bird beak data
Akshat Jain, 3D models from 2D images of birds
Zhengren Jing, Exaggerating videos of facial animation
Hongyu Pan, Virtual additions to Regent Court using Augmented Reality
Ruoxun Xu, Procedural modelling for games
Yi Guo, Visualising the difference between two 3D faces
Aijia Li, Non-photorealistic rendering of faces
Jinhao Liu, City views
Zijing Qin, Modelling objects using sweeping
Yuting Wang, Procedural generation of open-plan office layouts
Xuechen Li, Security camera visualisation in a large building
Ting Wang, Visualising Twitter data
Zhuoming Wu, Analysing and visualising an audiovisual Lombard speech corpus
Bocheng Xu, An app about the 3D morphology of children's teeth
Mengxuan Hao, Augmented Reality and Urban Design: "I am Fargate"
Haoran Liu, Micro expressions and lie detection
Zinuo Qin, Visualising Twitter Data
Danqing Wang, Using Augmented Reality to explain what a robot is doing
Xiaoyu Wang, Using visualisation to understand how people draw
Zhiyuan Xia, Constructing a life path using Virtual Reality
Arbor Low stones in the Regent Court quad, from 'Ruidong Xu, A location-aware, augmented reality mobile app for
displaying digital objects in a landscape, 2018'
Ruidong Xu, A location-aware, augmented reality mobile app for displaying digital objects in a landscape
Hend Elghazaly, A computer-generated talking head for use in early diagnosis of dementia (Joint supervisors:
Dr Steve Maddock and Dr Heidi Christensen)
Chuan Xiao, Spatial visualisation and analysis of user interaction in a serious game
Yunus Emre Cogurcu, Procedural modelling of bedrooms
Yunjian Tai, Reassembling fractured 3D objects
Youchen Tang, Flocking control using a Leap Motion
Nichakarn Voranunsiri, An avatar for use in early diagnosis of dementia (Joint supervisors: Dr Steve Maddock
and Dr Heidi Christensen)
Haoheng Zhang, Detecting and labelling the teeth in videos of the face
Xingyu Zhao, Exaggerating videos of facial animation
Ziyi Jiang, An exhibition of 'Kinected' poses
Luis Rene Montana Gonzalez, Motion capture for controlling objects
Mingze Xu, Using the leap motion for controlling a computer graphics simulation