Funding (2015-2024)
- Unlocking the complexity of organismal colour patterns using artificial intelligence, Cooney (PI, Biosciences), Thomas (Biosciences), Maddock (Computer Science), Han (Computer Science), 23IPAP BBSRC 2023 International Partnering Awards Plus on AI for Bioscience, £237k
- Development of a virtual platform for remote training in hazardous environments, Lohwasser (Physics) and Maddock (COM), STFC IAA - KE, Apr 2023 - Feb 2024, £25k
- Royal Academy of Engineeering Visiting Professor in Games Software Engineering, Dr Jake Habgood, Sep 2021-Jun
2024, PI: Maddock, £28k
- Work package for Horizon 2020 project: In2Stempo - Network Rail Shift2Rail. Fletcher (PI, MechEng), Rigby
(Civil), Mihaylova (ACSE), Maddock (Com). Aug 2019 - Sep 2021. (257K) part of EU Shift2Rail programme In2Stempo
(research into Safety Management in Public Areas), Sep 2017 - Aug 2022
- Heritage-led urban regeneration: a scalable model for community engagement using immersive technologies.
Hadley (PI, York), Maddock, Bax (Humanstudio), AHRC, Jan 19 - Apr 19 (£26k) (AH/S010580/1)
- Digital Engagement for Heritage-led Urban Regeneration, Hadley (Archaeology, PI), Maddock (COM), Butterworth
(Architectural Studies), AHRC/EPSRC Next Generation of Immersive Experiences, Jan-Jul 2018 (£60k) (Experience
Castlegate, UKRI website: award details,
Immersive Experiences showcase event, School of Architecture
news story)
- SATGPU - Phases II, III, IV, V, VI. Richmond and Maddock (COM). Commercial contracts with Atkins: Jun-Aug,
2017 (£20k); Sep-Nov, 2017 (£12.5k); Feb 2018 (£7.5k); Mar 2018 (£5K); Apr-Aug 2018 (£5K)
- Industrially funded PhD 'Multi Agent Visualisation and Interactive Rendering'. Richmond and Maddock, in
conjunction with the Transport Systems Catapult, 2016-2019 (£30k contribution)
- SATGPU. Richmond and Maddock. Commercial contract with Transport Systems Catapult, Atkins, Highways Agency and
STFC, November 2015 - April 2016, (amount unspecified)
- Facial capture hardware and Portable 3D scanner from University Capital Quick Spend, Maddock, Han, Chen, £68,141.
- Augmented Reality for teaching and open days. Maddock (PI), TUoS Alumni Fund Departmental Grant, 2019 (£8144)
- Arbor Low in Augmented Reality. Maddock (PI), Johnston (Archaeology), McElearney (APSE). TUoS SURE scheme, 10
June - 19 July, 2019 (£1370)
- LifePath - Demonstrator Film. Blackmore (PI, ScHARR), Bax (Human, Sheffield) and Maddock. MRC P2D, 2019 (£12k)
- Experience Castlegate. Butterworth (PI, Architectural Studies), Bax (Humanstudio), Mackinder (Architectural
Studies), Moreland, Hadley and Dean (Archaeology), Maddock (COM). Festival of the Mind 2018, 20-30 September 2018 (£5k)
(BBC News, BBC Look North, which shows people interacting with the
exhibit at the Millennium Gallery, Sheffield
city council news, Sheffield
Star, Yorkshire
Post, History
Scotland, The Vintage News,
Magazine, Wikipedia)
- Bringing Sheffield's medieval castle alive: viewing the past through an interactive website. Maddock (PI), Hadley,
Butterworth, Mackinder, TUoS SURE scheme, 11 June - 20 July, 2018 (£1080)
- Immersive services for driverless cars. Dibben
(Music, HRI; PI), Pidd (DHI), Maddock (COM), Abhayaratne (EEE), Levin (Levering Ltd), Star (Playgen), Bax
(Human). HEIF, Dec 2017-Mar 2018 (£24k)
- The Virtual Hole in the Road. Bax and Mckone (Humanstudio), Stone, Brown, Maddock. Part of the Futurecade
series of events, Millenium Gallery, Sheffield, 17-25 Sep, 2016 (part of the Festival of the Mind 2016
exhibition). (£5k) (YouTube video of the project, BBC
Radio Sheffield, Storying
Sheffield, Yorkshire
Post, Northern Soul, Futurecade
booklet, The Star facebook
- A virtual ossuary for the Rothwell Charnel Chapel
project website. Steve Maddock and Lizzy Craig-Atkins (Archaeology), TUoS SURE scheme, 13 June - 22 July,
2016 (£1210)
- The Digital Ossuary: 3D visualisation of a unique and endangered archaeological site. Dawn Hadley
(Archaeology), Elizabeth Craig-Atkins (Archaeology), Steve Maddock, Rab Scott (NAMRC. University of Sheffield
Digital Humanities Exploration Fund, June 2015 (£950). (Rothwell Charnel Chapel Project website, TUoS
news, The
Guardian online, Daily
Mail online, Archaeology
News Network, Ancient
- 3D structure-from-motion in archaeology. project 3 in the Interdisciplinary PhD Network 'Transforming Research
Methods in the Humanities'. Three PhD studentships. Supervisors: Project 1: Fitzmaurice (English) and Green
(Computer Science); Project 2: Watt (Hispanic Studies), Wessels (Sociological Studies); Project 3: Willmott
(Archaeology), Maddock (Computer Science). Autumn 2014-2017 (~£170k).