- JPB-UG-1: Web-based query and retrieval of audio data (Katan Patel)
JPB-UG-1: Web-based query and retrieval of audio data
Many corpora of spoken language exist. Such corpora typically contain audio recordings of speech material (sentences, passages, words, smaller units). They usually contain transcriptions too, although the level of detail varies from corpus to corpus. What is needed is a uniform access procedure to allow researchers to extract just those portions which meet certain criteria. For example, the ShATR corpus [1] contains details of conversations recorded by eight microphones simultaneously. A user might issue a query such as: find all places where at least two talkers are speaking simultaneously. The aim of this project is to develop a web-based interface which allows users to formulate and refine a range of queries and to receive the requested data in a uniform format. To start, a simple corpus containing transcribed speech from a single talker will be used. Later, more demanding corpora such as ShATR should be handled.
- You will be provided with a number of corpora.
- Further information on the ShATR multi-speaker corpus can be found in Karlsen et al., available from PDG
Useful prior knowledge
Experience with web technology e.g. cgi scripts, perl etc would be useful
COM3130, COM3140, new course on text processing