- COM2004/COM3004 - Data-driven Computing - All materials are on MOLE
- I am on study leave this year and will not be running undergraduate or MSc projects.
Previous Projects
[ 2018 - 19 ] [ 2017 - 18 ] [ 2016 - 17 ] [ 2015 - 16 ] [ 2014 - 15 ] [ 2013 - 14 ] [ 2012 - 13 ] [ 2011 - 12 ] [ 2010 - 11 ] [ 2008 - 09 ] [ 2007 - 08 ] [ 2006 - 07 ] [ 2005 - 06 ] [ 2004 - 05 ] [ 2003 - 04 ] [ 2002 - 03 ]
2018 - 19
- JPB-UG-1: Arial photography change detection (CS/AI/Maths) (Jia Ng)
- JPB-UG-2: Vision system for chess-playing robot (CS/AI/Maths) (Gregory Ives)
- JPB-UG-2b: Vision system for chess-playing robot (CS/AI/Maths) (Lawrence Burvill)
- JPB-UG-3: Hearing simulator for MIRo robot (CS/AI/Maths) (Thomas Croasdale)
- JPB-UG-4: Blink detection for web navigation (CS/AI/Maths) (Trisha Goel)
- JPB-UG-5: Face pixelation for video anonymisation (CS/AI/Maths) (Georgica Bors)
- JPB-UG-8: Red Bull PIV video analysis (Daniel Reynolds)
2017 - 18
- JPB-UG-1: Climbing technique analysis (Awoniyi Oladapo)
- JPB-UG-2a: Sound event detection for smart cars (CS/AI/Maths) (Danny Heard)
- JPB-UG-2b: Sound event detection for smart cars (CS/AI/Maths) (Harry Howarth)
- JPB-UG-4: Web-based tools for browsing a multichannel, conversational speech database (Aftab Chaudhary)
- JPB-UG-5: Using simulated environments to learn real world navigation (CS/AI/Maths) (Blayze Millward)
- JPB-UG-7: Data-driven project with Emotiv BCI Headset (CS/AI/Maths) (Alexandros Gkigkolian)
- JPB-UG-9: Learning to drive in OpenAI Universe (CS/AI/Maths) (Antonios Marketos)
2016 - 17
- JPB-UG-2a: Acoustic Scene Classification (Mark Lister)
- JPB-UG-2b: Acoustic Scene Classification (Danny Heard)
- JPB-UG-3: Sound event detection in real and synthetic audio (Jack Deadman)
- JPB-UG-4: Domestic audio tagging (Urh Krzic)
- JPB-UG-8: Sonification of text data and clustering music patterns to match human language (Mikhail Molotkov)
2015 - 16
- JPB-UG-1: Mobile Climbing Guide App (Victoria Howthorn)
- JPB-UG-3: Crossy Road Robot (William Sutherland)
- JPB-UG-4: Microphone Array Speech Enhancement (Matthew Simpson)
- JPB-UG-7: Predicting PC usage in Sheffield University Libraries (Christopher Winward)
- JPB-UG-8: University Societies Application (Laimonas Andriejauskas)
2014 - 15
- JPB-UG-1a: Building a Virtual Interactive Whiteboard (James Foster)
- JPB-UG-1b: Building a Virtual Interactive Whiteboard (Jin Seo)
- JPB-UG-234: Acoustic Geo-Sensing
- JPB-UG-5: Acoustic Scene Classification Challenge (Hao Huang)
- JPB-UG-6: Acoustic Event Detection Challenge
2013 - 14
- JPB-UG-1: Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition (Liam Wharton)
- JPB-UG-2: Augmented Reality - Wordsearch solver (Josh Keegan)
- JPB-UG-3: Video Analysis - Carcassonne Game Recorder
- JPB-UG-4: Video Processing - Video to Panoramic Picture Converter
- JPB-UG-5: Serious Games - The Type-What-You-Hear Game (Ann Nee Lau)
- JPB-UG-6: Web Programming - Broken Link Alerter (Daniel Mercer)
2012 - 13
- JPB-UG-1: Pacman-playing Robot (Adam Petterson)
- JPB-UG-5: Augmented Reality: Wordsearch Solver (Aaron Thompson)
- JPB-UG-6: Flash Photography Filtering (Raluca Lehadus)
- STU-UG-RT: Hieroglyphic OCR (Robert Taylor)
- STU-UG-SB: Automated Crossword Solver (Samuel Brown)
2011 - 12
- JPB-UG-1: Scissors, Paper, Stone with Microsoft Kinect (Lewis Morley)
- JPB-UG-1: Hand-drawn GUIs (Radina Kalpakova)
- JPB-UG-3: Voice alignment for automated dialogue replacement (Zhe Wei)
- JPB-UG-4: Spot-the-difference solver (Vaclav Hudec)
- JPB-UG-5: Auto-tune detection (Domonic Ellam)
2010 - 11
- JPB-UG-1: Scrabble Referee: Word Recognition Component (Liam Brummit)
- JPB-UG-2: Scrabble Referee: Move Detection Component (Mitchell Whitehouse))
- JPB-UG-3: Acoustic Guitar Hero (Ryan Bibby)
- JPB-UG-4: Finger Mouse (Chris Lake)
- JPB-UG-5: CHiME Web-based Audio Browser and Annotation Tool (Ryan Temple)
2008 - 09
- JPB-UG-1: Video-input for Chess Playing Robot (David Jones)
- JPB-UG-2: Improving a Video-Based Darts Match Analyser (Rob White)
- JPB-UG-3: Active Shape Modelling for Lip Tracking
- JPB-UG-4: Video-Based Speech Detection (Tom Hanusiak)
2007 - 08
- JPB-UG-1: Video-Based Darts Match Analysis
- JPB-UG-2: Audio-Based Tennis Match Indexing (Chris Hutton)
- JPB-UG-3: Active Shape Modelling for Lip Tracking
- JPB-UG-4: Video-Based Speech Detection
2006 - 07
- JPB-UG-1: Active Shape Modelling for Lip Tracking (Tomos Lee)
- JPB-UG-2: Video Based Speech Detection
- JPB-UG-3: A Web Tool for Building Bibliographic Databases (Daneil Chu)
2005 - 06
- JPB-UG-1: Video Story-Board Extractor and Player (Nick Firth)
- JPB-UG-2: Blink Rate Estimation (Andrew Savill)
- JPB-UG-3: Video Pan and Zoom Analysis (Daniel Melia)
2004 - 05
- JPB-UG-1: Snooker Highlights (Matthew Winchombe)
- JPB-UG-2: Video-Based Snooker Shot Indexing (Guy Philip)
- JPB-UG-1: Snooker Break Speed Estimation (Robert Walker)
- JPB-UG-4: Audio-Based Snooker Shot Indexing
- JPB-UG-5: Gesture Recognition for 'Hands-Free' Human-Computer Interaction (Philip Moore)
2003 - 04
- JPB-UG-1: A digital theremin (Sel Vin)
- JPB-UG-2: A chroma-key tool for producing noisy audio-visual speech data (Richard King)
- JPB-UG-3: Automatic lecture note taker (George Weller)
- JPB-UG-4: Television watching assistant (Antranik Kasparian)
- JPB-UG-5: Innovative applications in web-based retrieval (Gary Barton)
2002 - 03
- JPB-UG-1: Web-based query and retrieval of audio data (Katan Patel)
Postgraduate (MSc)
[ 2018 - 19 ] [ 2017 - 18 ] [ 2016 - 17 ] [ 2015 - 16 ] [ 2013 - 14 ] [ 2012 - 13 ] [ 2011 - 12 ] [ 2010 - 11 ] [ 2008 - 09 ] [ 2007 - 08 ] [ 2006 - 07 ] [ 2003 - 04 ] [ 2002 - 03 ]
2018 - 19
- JPB-MSc-1: Distant microphone speech processing for CHiME-5 - Data Simulation (CS+SLP or ACS) (Jianbo Wu)
- JPB-MSc-2: Distant microphone speech processing for CHiME-5 - Factored TDNNs (CS+SLP or ACS) (Hewei Ye)
- JPB-MSc-2b: Distant microphone speech processing for CHiME-5 - Source Enhancement (CS+SLP or ACS) (Ziyuan Xia)
- JPB-MSc-3: Visualisation Tools for a Speech Perception Database (CS+SLP or SSIT)
- JPB-MSc-4: Lip reading for audio speech enhancement (CS+SLP or ACS) (Chenfeng Wei)
- JPB-MSc-5: Blink detection for web navigation (ACS) (Mingqian Shi)
- JPB-MSc-6: Eye tracking software for audio-visual speech perception research (CS+SLP or ACS) (Zixuan Zhang)
2017 - 18
- JPB-MSc-1: Distant microphone speech processing for CHiME-5 (CS+SLP or ACS) (Xin Zhang)
- JPB-MSc-2: Distant microphone speech processing for CHiME-5 (CS+SLP or ACS)
- JPB-MSc-3: Android/IOS app for audio-visual speech collection (CS+SLP or ASE) (Xie Wang)
- JPB-MSc-4: Lip reading for audio speech enhancement (CS+SLP or ACS) (Sifan Wu)
- JPB-MSc-5: Developing speech recognition for the MIRo robot (CS+SLP or ACS) (Xin Sun)
- JPB-MSc-6: Eye tracking software for audio-visual speech perception research (CS+SLP or ACS)
2016 - 17
- JPB-MSc-1: Lip reading for song transcription (ACS or CS+SLP) (Xinghui He (ACS))
- JPB-MSc-2: Lip reading for audio speech enhancement (ACS or CS+SLP) (Yining Li (ACS))
- JPB-MSc-3: Acoustic event detection challenge (ACS or CS+SLP) (Zimeng Pu (ACS))
- JPB-MSc-4: Web-based collaborative audio annotation tool (SSIT or ASE)
- JPB-MSc-5: Web-based collaborative audio annotation tool (SSIT or ASE) (Yingjie Tang (InfSys))
2015 - 16
- JPB-MSc-1: Web-based collaborative audio annotation tool (SSIT or ASE)
- JPB-MSc-2: Lip-reading for audio speech enhancement (ACS or CS+SLP)
- JPB-MSc-3: Classification Challenge Web-host (SSIT)
- JPB-MSc-4: Acoustic event detection challenge (ACS or CS+SLP)
- JPB-MSc-5: Multichannel speech activity detection (ACS or CS+SLP)
2013 - 14
- JPB-MSc-1: Acoustic scene classification challenge
- JPB-MSc-2: Acoustic event detection challenge
- JPB-MSc-3: Data Visualisation for CHiME Domestic Audio Data [Group Project]
2012 - 13
- JPB-MSc-1: Data Visualisation for CHiME Domestic Audio Data [Group Project]
- JPB-MSc-2: Realtime Hearing Loss Simulation
- JPB-MSc-3: Serious Games - The Type-What-You-Hear Game
2011 - 12
- JPB-MSc-123: Data Visualisation for CHiME Domestic Audio Data [Group Project]
- JPB-MSc-4: Realtime Hearing Loss Simulation
- JPB-MSc-5: MATLAB Read-Speech Corpus Collection Tool
- JPB-MSc-6: Estimating Head Motion from In-Ear Microphone Signals
2010 - 11
- JPB-MSc-1: Active hearing: sound source direction estimation with one ear (Isma Zulfiqar)
- JPB-MSc-2: Active hearing: sound source distance estimation with one and two ears (Wadha AlMattar)
- JPB-MSc-3: Active hearing: sound source distance estimation with one and two ears (Xiangtao Ma)
2008 - 09
- JPB-MSc-1: Scrabble Referee (Nimil Christopher)
- JPB-MSc-2: Acoustic Guitar Hero
- JPB-MSc-3: Rapid Adaptation of Visual Speech Models
- JPB-MSc-4: Tool for Conducting Audio-Visual Speech Perception Experiments (Doranala Praveen)
- JPB-MSc-5: Java Applet for Collecting a Huge Lip Image Database (Zhen Hua Dai)
2007 - 08
- JPB-MSc-1: Comparison of transform-based visual features for automatic lip reading (HLT) (Liang Chang)
- JPB-MSc-2: Rapid adaptation of visual speech models using `eigenvoice' techniques
- JPB-MSc-3: Audio-based ego-motion estimation (HLT/ACS/DataComms) (Huaxin Zhang)
- JPB-MSc-5: Face detection and tracking in stereoscopic video data
2006 - 07
- JPB-MSc-1: Audio-Visual Lip Tracking (Pinelopi Sotiropoulou)
- JPB-MSc-2: Eye-tracking for head pose estimation (Murad Abouammoh)
- JPB-MSc-3: Audio-based speaker location estimation for diarization (Maral Dadvar)
2003 - 04
- JPB-MSc-1: Automatic Photo Rotator (Zhou Su)
- JPB-MSc-2: Video Analysis and Indexing (Jingsheng Du)
- JPB-MSc-3: Facial Spot Removal (Oluwatosin Adenaike)
- JPB-MSc-4: Face Detection for Meeting Room Video Data (Farhat Aisha)
2002 - 03
- JPB-MSc-1: Robust lip parameterisation for automatic lipreading
- JPB-MSc-2: A tool for semi-automatic facial feature segmentation (Weiping Hu)
Darwin Group Projects
- Darwin Project 10-11
- Darwin Project 05-06