- JPB-UG-1: Pacman-playing Robot (Adam Petterson)
- JPB-UG-5: Augmented Reality: Wordsearch Solver (Aaron Thompson)
- JPB-UG-6: Flash Photography Filtering (Raluca Lehadus)
- STU-UG-RT: Hieroglyphic OCR (Robert Taylor)
- STU-UG-SB: Automated Crossword Solver (Samuel Brown)
JPB-UG-1: Pacman-playing Robot

This highly-challenging project will aim to build a lego robot that can play a simple 2-D computer game, e.g. pacman. The robot will use a vision system to watch the screen and it will control the play using a gamepad or a joystick. Why do it? It will be a great way to experiment with building a real-time vision control system – but without all the complexities that come with 3D visual scene analysis. Second, it will be fantastic fun. Thirdly, if it works it will look really cool. Finally, it’s not the sort of thing you’ll be able to do once you have a job!
As an example of a similar concept see the following YouTube clip.
- An interest in Computer Vision and robotics. Good programming skills. Bravery.
Initial reading
JPB-UG-5: Augmented Reality: Wordsearch Solver

This project will extend the 2nd year COM2004 word-search assignment into a full real-time augmented reality word search solving application. To get an idea of what I mean by this please see the augmented reality Sudoku solver demoed on YouTube here.
- An interest in Computer Vision and pattern classification. Good programming skills.
Initial reading
JPB-UG-6: Flash Photography Filtering

TV news reports are frequently preceded by the warning, “The following report contains flash photography.” The warnings are given because flash photography has been known to induce fits in people who suffer from photo-sensitive epilepsy.
This project will aim to solve this problem by seeing whether the flashes can be automatically detected and edited out of the video footage.
- An interest in Computer Vision. Good programming skills.
Initial reading
STU-UG-RT: Hieroglyphic OCR

- Student proposed project. No description available.
STU-UG-SB: Automated Crossword Solver

- Student proposed project. No description available.