- JPB-UG-1: Mobile Climbing Guide App (Victoria Howthorn)
- JPB-UG-3: Crossy Road Robot (William Sutherland)
- JPB-UG-4: Microphone Array Speech Enhancement (Matthew Simpson)
- JPB-UG-7: Predicting PC usage in Sheffield University Libraries (Christopher Winward)
- JPB-UG-8: University Societies Application (Laimonas Andriejauskas)
JPB-UG-1: Mobile Climbing Guide App

This project is suitable for someone with an interest in climbing and computer vision. The idea is to design an interactive climbing guide mobile app. The unique feature would be that the app will identifiy the crag or boulder automatically using GPS, compass and camera data. It will then bring up information about the routes / boulder problems. The most ambitious version would attempt to overlay a view of the route over the camera image. The closest thing I’ve been able to find to this can be found here, https://www.thebmc.co.uk/zoomtopo/stanage/.
JPB-UG-3: Crossy Road Robot

A few years ago I ran a project to build a robot that could play Pacman (https://staffwww.dcs.shef.ac.uk/people/J.Barker/campus_only/projects/y3_12.html). A brave student took it on and did an excellent job. However the results were mixed. The main difficulty turned out to be designing a lego robot that could use a gamepad style controller reliably. I’d like to try a version of this project again but using a mobile phone game app with a simple touch screen interface. My first thought was to tackle Flappy Bird … but it has already been done (!) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHkMaWZFePI) But no one has yet built a Crossy Road robot…
JPB-UG-4: Microphone Array Speech Enhancement
We have recently produced a large collection of speech recordings captured in noisy locations around Sheffield (e.g. cafes, street junctions etc). The recordings have been captured using an especially adapted tablet computer that has 6 microphones embedded around its frame. Such a recording device is commonally called a ‘microphone array’. Using a technique called ‘beam forming’ it is possible to process microphone array recordings to boost signals that come from a given direction. This project will build a demonstration system that allows the user to experiment with different beamforming techniques.
JPB-UG-7: Predicting PC usage in Sheffield University Libraries

Students at Sheffield University regularly make use of the library services and the PCs provided. However, it is not easy to know ahead of time if you are likely to find a space or free computer to use.
Using freely available data about current PC usage across various rooms in the University, I would like to create predictions on where the best location for a student at some given coordinates would be. Starting from my previous system that already tracks data, I would explore a range of prediction techniques, and explore the uses for the data. Uses may include giving students better suggestions on where to sit within a building, to suggesting information back to the University about when to expect more or less students in say The Diamond, and drop heating accordingly to save on energy.
JPB-UG-8: University Societies Application

The aim is to create a user-friendly application for members and societies of the University. The application will essentially be a society management system. Letting members sign up directly to societies, along with society updates or events. A major part of this project is to create and use a “recommendation” prediction feature, this will be generated from answering a few short questions, along with feedback for result adjustment.