The JWalkUtility User Guide
The original and classic tool in the
JWalk 1.1 Tool Suite
is the command-line driven unit testing tool
This is provided for those who prefer command-line console interaction and
plain text output. The style is similar to the old
JWalk 0.8 Beta release, but uses the new
JWalker core test engine.
Please note that you must first have a
valid license
to run this tool, which is obtainable free for most academic and industrial
evaluation purposes. For this and the
software bundle,
please follow the clear instructions given at the
JWalk Download Centre.
Launching JWalkUtility
The following assumes that you have chosen your JWalk working directory,
and have installed the software bundle:
and an accompanying license:
in this directory.
Launching the Unbundled Software
There is no option to run this tool directly from the compressed
JAR-file download bundle, so you must unbundle the software archive
first. Open a command console window and, in this console, change to your
chosen JWalk working directory, in which the software bundle was placed.
Unpack the archive using the command:
jar -xf JWalk11.jar
This will create a Java package directory structure under your working
directory. You may now launch the
JWalkUtility tool using the Java command:
java org.jwalk.tool.JWalkUtility [ <testClass> ]
[ <strategy> | <modality> | <testDepth> |
<generator> | <probeDepth> | <stateDepth> |
This will invoke the main() method of the class
JWalkUtility in the sub-package
org.jwalk.tool , and pass to it the parameters listed on the
command line, which are explained below.
After the license is recognised, the tool banner should appear in the console, followed later by the program's output.
if you do not have a valid license, the program will terminate immediately
and a license violation message will be printed on the console!
Command Line Parameters
By default, executing the JWalkUtility tool
with no command line parameters merely prints out a message about correct usage.
In normal usage, the only mandatory parameter is testClass , which
must appear first. All remaining parameters are interpreted as further test
settings, which may be presented in any order, and default to suitable values.
Please refer to the main
User Guide section for an
explanation of what these settings mean:
testClass - the name of the test class, which:
- if unqualified, names a class in the current working directory
- if package-qualified, names a class in a package under the working directory,
or names a class in a package known to the Java CLASSPATH
strategy - the test strategy, one of:
protocol - exercise all method protocols
algebra - exercise all algebraic constructions
states - exercise all states and transitions
modality - the test modality, one of:
inspect - just inspect the test class's interface
explore - also exercise the specified test series
validate - also validate the results of the tests
testDepth : - the maximum length of test sequences
(default = t3)
0..n - means the same as
generator - the name of a custom generator, which:
- must end with the substring "
Generator "
- if unqualified, names a class in the current working directory
- if package-qualified, names a class in a package under the working directory,
or names a class in a package known to the Java CLASSPATH
probeDepth : - the maximum length of probe sequences
(default = p12)
stateDepth : - the maximum tree-depth for object state
comparison (default = s0)
convention - the convention on including
Object 's methods, one of:
standard - exclude all of Object 's
methods (default)
custom - interleave with some of Object 's
complete - interleave with all of Object 's
Parameters are processed in the following way:
The first supplied parameter is treated as the testClass .
Any integral parameter is treated as the testDepth . Any integer
prefixed by one of the letters t , p or s
is treated respectively as the testDepth , probeDepth
or stateDepth .
Any parameter containing the substring "Generator " is treated as
the name of a generator. Any other parameter is expected to name a
strategy or modality or convention
(see above for the expected
lower-case string values). No other settings can be altered by the
JWalkUtility tool.
Standard Usage
The most comonly used testing options available through the command-line
interface are described here. For details of how to upload custom generators
into the JWalkUtility tool, please refer to the
Custom Usage
section of this guide. For advice on how best to conduct testing using the
JWalkUtility tool, please refer to the main
User Guide section of this
Default Exploration
Invoking JWalkUtility
with only the test class named on the command line will cause the
tool to execute with default settings for the remaining parameters.
For example, the following exercises all algebraic constructions of
a compiled Stack class (in the current working directory) to
a test depth of 3:
java org.jwalk.tool.JWalkUtility Stack
The output will contain a Protocol Report, an Algebra Report
and several Cycle Reports for each test cycle, from depth 0 to depth
3 inclusive, followed by a Summary Report summarising the results
of exploration (including how many sequences executed normally, or terminated
with exceptions).
Explicit Exploration
The test strategy, modality and depth of exploration may be changed by
supplying further parameters on the command line. For example, the following
explores all high-level states and transitions of a
ReservableBook to a test depth of 4:
java org.jwalk.tool.JWalkUtility ReservableBook states 4
The output will contain a Protocol Report, a State Report
and several Cycle Reports for each test cycle, and for each
detected state, from depth 0 to depth 3 inclusive, followed by a
Summary Report summarising the results of exploration (including
how many sequences executed normally, or terminated with exceptions).
Inspection Only
The following example merely inspects the protocol of a
Wallet class, in which case the test depth parameter
for exploration is not relevant:
java org.jwalk.tool.JWalkUtility Wallet protocol inspect
The output will only contain a Protocol Report. In the
algebra strategy, inspection will also include an Algebra
Report. In the states strategy, inspection will also include
a State Report.
Explicit Validation
The following example causes the tool to interact with the tester. It
validates all algebraic constructions of the Stack
class to a test depth of 3, asking the tester interactively to
confirm or reject the outcomes of certain test sequences. These are used
to build up a test oracle, which may be reused in subsequent testing
to predict these, and further test outcomes:
java org.jwalk.tool.JWalkUtility Stack algebra validate 3
The interactive validation process is described below.
The output will contain a Protocol Report, an Algebra Report
and several Cycle Reports for each test cycle, from depth 0 to depth
3 inclusive, followed by a Summary Report summarising the results
of validation (including how many outcomes were manually confirmed, or were
automatically passed). Please refer to
the main User Guide section for an
explanation of test oracles and how they are used.
Interaction with JWalkUtility
In the validate modality, the tool interrupts its normal
batch execution style to interact with the tester. In each test cycle,
it selects certain key test sequences, displays these on the console and
requests confirmation of their outcomes from the tester, who must enter a
single-character response from:
y - meaning yes, to confirm the outcome
n - meaning no, to reject the outcome
q - meaning quit, to abort the current test series
A carriage return is considered shorthand for y . If the tester
chooses to quit, the current test series is aborted and the tool produces
the Summary Report directly.
An interactive query is presented at the console:
Stack target = new Stack();
==> true
Confirm? (y|n|q):
and the tool waits for the tester to enter a valid response. If the tester
enters an invalid response, the query prompt is repeated. When all the results
for one test cycle are complete, the tool prints these out in a Cycle
At the end of a validation series, the test oracle is saved in an
oracle data file in the current working directory. The tester
will be asked to acknowledge the creation of this file:
The oracle file `Account.jwk' was written to:
OK? (y):
Entering a y or carriage return is sufficient. Other kinds of
warning may also need similar acknowledgement.
Custom Usage
Sometimes the tester will want to customise the behaviour of the
JWalkUtility tool, to adapt it to the needs of
a particular test class. The most significant custom option is the
ability to upload CustomGenerators, which control how test inputs
are synthesised for the test class. Other options allow you to
change the depth of probing during initial dynamic analysis, or change
the meaning of object state comparison from shallow to deeper equality,
or interleave the test class's methods selectively with methods
inherited from the root Object , which are suppressed by
default. Currently, it is not possible to change the default locations of
directories for test oracles or custom generators using command line
Custom Generators
The tester may supply the name of a CustomGenerator class on
the command line, which is recognised by virtue of its name ending in
"Generator ".
A number of pre-defined CustomGenerators are supplied with
the tool kit distribution in the package org.jwalk.gen ,
which may be uploaded using their package-qualified names.
For example, RedirectInGenerator is useful if you wish to
redirect standard input to read from a prepared file. Note that four
CustomGenerators are always loaded.
For general advice on when you should construct and load your own
CustomGenerators, please refer to the section on how to create
Custom Generators for JWalk.
Example Custom Generators
The following example exercises all method protocols of a
Vector class, to a test depth of 2, using a
user-supplied custom IndexGenerator that generates integer
indices in pairs, to allow observation of successive put()
and get() operations at the same index. This is different
from the monotonically-increasing integer sequence generated by default
for the int type:
java org.jwalk.tool.JWalkUtility Vector protocol 2 IndexGenerator
It is assumed that IndexGenerator.class is a compiled Java
class file that is accessible to Java. This custom generator will be
installed as a delegate of the MasterGenerator used by
the tool, and will intercept requests to generate int values.
For an explanation of how it does this, please refer to the section on how to
create Custom Generators for JWalk.
The following example explores the class Main , whose
methods expect text input from the command line:
java org.jwalk.JWalkUtility Main protocol 3 org.jwalk.gen.RedirectInGenerator
This initially generates a file input.txt , in the current
working directory, which is used to supply text lines of input for the
test class. The tester may edit this file, so that it contains
the kinds of input expected.
Custom Depth Parameters
By default, integer values are always interpreted as the
testDepth parameter. Integers may be prefixed by single
characters: t , p or s to indicate
testDepth , probeDepth or stateDepth
explicitly. The following example alters the depth to which initial
probing is performed, before exploring the algebraic structure of a
Wallet class:
java org.jwalk.JWalkUtility Wallet algebra p14 t5 explore
This initially probes the Wallet to depth 14 (to determine
the state effects of methods over a much larger sample of test sequences)
and then explores it to depth 5 during the main test series.
The following example alters the tree-depth to which object states are
compared, when exploring the algebraic structure of a
StackProxy class, which has no local state, but indirectly
references another stack with local state:
java org.jwalk.JWalkUtility StackProxy algebra s1 t5 explore
This compares object clusters to a tree depth of 1 (no longer shallow
equality), while exploring the algebraic structure to a depth of 5
during testing.
Interleaving Object's Methods
The following example interleaves the test class's methods
with some of the standard methods inherited from the root class
Object , which are usually suppressed by JWalk:
java org.jwalk.JWalkUtility Stack algebra custom 3
The custom parameter will cause JWalk to explore test
sequences that interleave the inherited methods
equals() , hasCode() , toString()
and getClass() with Stack 's local methods.
Other parameters include standard and complete .
Output Format
The JWalkUtility tool prints all results on
standard output. The kinds of output supported are similar to the kinds
of Test Report described for the
JWalkTester tool, the only difference being
that all output is sent to the console as plain text.
Test Reports
The test results will appear as blocks of output text, preceded by a
banner. Different blocks may appear for different test strategies, modalities
and depths. In interactive modes, the output blocks will be interrupted by
interactive queries to confirm or reject test outcomes. The Test
Reports contain the following information:
- Protocol Report - a static analysis of the test class's public
constructor and method protocols (provided in all cases);
- Algebra Report - a dynamic analysis of the test class's algebraic
structure (only in the algebra strategy);
- State Report - a dynamic analysis of the test class's high-level
states and state cover (only in the states strategy);
- Cycle Report - all the results for one test cycle, conducted to a given
test depth (and for a given state, in the states strategy);
- Summary Report - test summary statistics, giving execution behaviour
and (in the validate modality only) test validation outcomes.
The kinds of information presented by these reports are discussed in the
documentation for the package org.jwalk.out .
Handling Exceptions
Any notifications or warnings must be acknowledged by the tester (typing
carriage return is understood to mean "OK"). Any exceptions that cause
JWalkUtility to terminate will be printed
on standard error.