
Publications (Pre 2021)

Journal papers

  1. Charlton J., Gonzalez L.R.M., Maddock S., Richmond P. (2020) Simulating Crowds and Autonomous Vehicles. In: Gavrilova M., Tan C., Chang J., Thalmann N. (eds) Transactions on Computational Science XXXVII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12230. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg [doi, arXiv]
  2. Shui, W., Zhou, M., Maddock, S. et al. A computerized craniofacial reconstruction method for an unidentified skull based on statistical shape models. Multimed Tools Appl 79, 25589-25611 (2020) [doi, White Rose research online]
  3. Robert Chisholm, Steve Maddock, Paul Richmond. Improved GPU Near Neighbours Performance for Multi-Agent Simulations. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 137, March 2020, Pages 53-64. [ScienceDirect, White Rose research online]
  4. Peter Heywood, Steve Maddock, Richard Bradley, David Swain, Ian Wright, Mark Mawson, Graham Fletcher, Roland Guichard, Roger Himlin and Paul Richmond, A Data-Parallel Many-Source Shortest-Path Algorithm to Accelerate Macroscopic Transport Network Assignment. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 104, July 2019, Pages 332-347 [ScienceDirect, White Rose research online]
  5. John Charlton, Steve Maddock, Paul Richmond. Two-dimensional batch linear programming on the GPU. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 126, April 2019, Pages 152-160 [ScienceDirect, White Rose research online]
  6. Ashley Towers, James Field, Chris Stokes, Steve Maddock, Nicolas Martin, A scoping review of the use and application of Virtual Reality in Dental Education. British Dental Journal, volume 226, pages 358-366 (2019) [BDJ online, White Rose research online]
  7. Matthew Leach and Steve Maddock. An Evaluation Approach for a Physically-based Sticky Lip Model. Computers 2019, 8(1), 24 [MDPI online open access]
  8. Najwa Alghamdi, Steve Maddock, Ricard Marxer, Jon Barker, Guy Brown. A corpus of audio-visual Lombard speech with frontal and profile views. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, EL523 (2018) [paper, corpus]
  9. Ricard Marxer, Jon Barker, Najwa Alghamdi, Steve Maddock. The impact of the Lombard effect on audio and visual speech recognition systems. Speech Communication, Volume 100, June 2018, Pages 58-68 [open access]
  10. Peter Heywood, Steve Maddock, Jordi Casas, David Garcia, Mark Brackstone, Paul Richmond. Data-Parallel Agent-Based Microscopic Road Network Simulation using Graphics Processing Units. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 83, April 2018, Pages 188-200 [open access]
  11. Najwa Alghamdi, Steve Maddock, Jon Barker, Guy Brown. The Impact of Automatic Exaggeration of the Visual Articulatory Features of a Talker on the Intelligibility of Spectrally Distorted Speech. Speech Communication, Volume 95, December 2017, Pages 127-136 [ScienceDirect, White Rose research online]
  12. Wuyang Shui, Mingquan Zhou, Steve Maddock, Taiping He, Xingce Wang, Qingqiong Deng. A PCA-Based Method for Determining Craniofacial Relationship and Sexual Dimorphism of Facial Shapes. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 90, 1 November 2017, Pages 33-49 [ScienceDirect, White Rose eprints]
  13. Mark Warburton, Hossam Omar Ali, Wai Choon Liong, Arona Martin Othusitse, Amir Zaki Abdullah Zubir, Steve Maddock and Tuck Seng Wong. OneClick: A Program for Designing Focused Mutagenesis Experiments. AIMS Bioengineering 2(3):126-143, 20 Jul 2015 [pdf]
  14. Mark Warburton and Steve Maddock. Physically-based forehead animation including wrinkles. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Volume 26, Issue 1, January/February 2015, pages 55-68 [Wiley online library, White Rose research online]
  15. Gamito, M.N. and S.C.Maddock (2009), "Accurate multidimensional poisson-disk sampling", ACM Trans. Graph., 29, 1, Article 8 (December 2009). (Also presented at ACM Siggraph 2010.) [pdf (ACM Author-izer), project page]
  16. M.N. Gamito, S.C. Maddock (2008), "Topological Correction of Hypertextured Implicit Surfaces for Ray Casting", The Visual Computer (Revised Selected Papers from the Shape Modelling International 2007 Conference), 24(6), June 2008, pp. 397-409. [ISI Web of Knowledge 2006 IF: 0.708] [local pdf and animations]
  17. BinSubaih, A. and S. Maddock (2008), "Game Portability Using a Service-Oriented Approach", International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 378485, 7 pages [pdf, pdf (author's copy)]
  18. Martinez Lazalde, O., S. Maddock, M.Meredith (2008), "A Constraint-Based approach to Visual Speech for a Mexican-Spanish Talking Head", International Journal of Computer Games Technology,Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 412056, 7 pages. [pdf, pdf]
  19. Gamito, M. and S.Maddock (2007), "A Progressive Refinement Approach for the Visualisation of Implicit Surfaces" in 'Advances in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision' (Revised Selected Papers from International Conferences VISAPP and GRAPP 2006, Setúbal, Portugal, February 25-28, 2006), (Editors: Braz, J., Ranchordas, A., Araújo, H., Jorge, J.), Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 4., 2008, pp.93-108 [local pdf and animations]
  20. Gamito, M.N. and S.C.Maddock (2007), "Progressive Refinement Rendering of Implicit Surfaces", Computers & Graphics, Volume 31, Issue 5 (October 2007), pp.698-709 (doi:10.1016/j.cag.2007.04.011) [local pdf and animations]
  21. Meredith, M.and S.C.Maddock (2007), "Approximating Character Biomechanics with Real-Time Weighted Inverse Kinematics", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (Proc. CASA 2007, International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents, June 11th-13th, 2007, Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Hasselt University, Belgium). [pdf]
  22. Gamito, M.N. and S.C.Maddock (2007), "Ray Casting Implicit Fractal Surfaces with Reduced Affine Arithmetic", The Visual Computer, 23(3) (February 2007), pp.155-165 [local pdf and animations]
  23. BinSubaih, A., S. Maddock, D.Romano (2006), A Serious Game for Traffic Accident Investigators", International Journal of Interactive Technology & Smart Education, Special Issue on "Computer Game-based Learning", Vol 3, No. 4, November 2006, pp. 329-346. [pdf]
  24. M.N. Gamito, S.C. Maddock (2006), "Anti-aliasing with Stratified B-Spline Filters of Arbitrary Degree", Computer Graphics Forum, 25(2), June 2006, pp.163-172 [CGF online] [local pdf and animations]
  25. Watt, A. and S.Maddock (2005), "Technologies for characters in computer games", Scientia, Estudos Interdisciplinares em Computação, 16(1): 5-12, janeiro/junho 2005 (copywright by Unisinos 2005), pp.5-12. [draft (pdf)]
  26. M. Meredith, S. Maddock (2005). Adapting Motion Capture Data using weighted Real-Time Inverse Kinematics. ACM Computers in Entertainment, 3(1), Jan/Mar 2005. (This is a Web-based journal.) [ACM CIE digital library paper link]
  27. Enrique, S., A. Watt, S. Maddock, F. Policarpo (2003), "Using Synthetic Vision for Autonomous Non-Player Characters in Computer Games", Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial, No.21 (2003), pp. 19-25. ISSN: 1137-3601. AEPIA ( [pdf]
  28. Watt, A. and S. Maddock (2002), "Computer Games Technology and Higher Education", Virtual Reality: special edition on Computer Games, Vol 5, no 4, 2000 (published in 2002), pp.185-194. [pdf]
  29. Maddock, S.C. (1995), "Personal CAL Workbooks: The next chapters", Computers & Graphics, 19(4), 1995, pp.631-635 [ps]
  30. Maddock, S., "A Personal CAL Workbook", Computers and Graphics, 18(3), 1994, pp.299-304. [ps]

Book chapters

  1. BinSubaih, A., S.Maddock, D.M.Romano (2008), "Developing a Serious Game for Police Training", Chapter XXVI in 'Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education' (Editor: Richard E. Ferdig, University of Florida, USA), Information Science Reference, July 2008 [pdf (first few pages), pdf (author's copy)]
  2. Watt, A.H. and S.C.Maddock (2004), "Mainstream Rendering Techniques", Chapter 38 in The Computer Science Handbook, 2nd edition, (Editor-in-chief: Allen B. Tucker), Chapman & Hall/CRC (in cooperation with the ACM), 2004. [Google books]
  3. Watt, A. and S. Maddock (1999), "Visual Realism", in J. G. Webster (editor), 'Encyclopaedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering', 24 volume set, Wiley.

Conference papers

  1. Ioannou, E. and Maddock, S., (2020). Breathing Life into Statues Using Augmented Reality. Proc. CGVC 2020. (The Rob Fletcher Prize: best student application paper) [doi]
  2. Millward, B., Maddock, S., Mangan, M., (2020). Towards Insect Inspired Visual Sensors for Robots. UKRAS20 Conference: "Robots into the real world" Proceedings, 140-141. [pdf]
  3. John Charlton, Luis Rene Montana Gonzalez, Steve Maddock and Paul Richmond, Fast Simulation Of Crowd Collision Avoidance. CGI 2019, pp. 266-277 [arxiv]
  4. Rabab Algadhy, Yoshihiko Gotoh, Steve Maddock, 3D Visual speech animation using 2D videos. ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, United Kingdom, 2019, pp. 2367-2371. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8682455. [IEEE Explore, White Rose research online]
  5. Luis Rene Montana Gonzalez and Steve Maddock. A Sketch-based Interface for Real-time Control of Crowd Simulations that Use Navigation Meshes. GRAPP 2019, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. SCITEPRESS [White Rose research online]
  6. Matthew Leach, Steve Maddock, Dawn Hadley, Carolyn Butterworth, John Moreland, Gareth Dean, Ralph Mackinder, Kacper Pach, Nick Bax, Michaela Mckone, Dan Fleetwood. Recreating Sheffield's Medieval Castle in situ using Outdoor Augmented Reality. Proc EuroVR 2018 (22-23 Oct, 2018), LNCS 11162. pp. 213-229 [White Rose research online]
  7. Matthew Leach and Steve Maddock. Physically-based Sticky Lips. Proc CGVC2018 [conf proceedings, EG DL]
  8. Luis Rene Montana Gonzalez and Steve Maddock. Sketching for Real-time Control of Crowd Simulations. Proc CGVC 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, 14-15 Sep 2017 [video, EG DL]
  9. Chisholm R., Richmond P., Maddock S. (2017) A Standardised Benchmark for Assessing the Performance of Fixed Radius Near Neighbours. In: Desprez F. et al. (eds) Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10104. Springer, Cham [Springer, White Rose eprints]
  10. Wuyang Shui, Jin Liu, Pu Ren, Steve Maddock and Mingquan Zhou. Automatic planar shape segmentation from indoor point clouds. VRCAI2016, 3-4 December 2016, Zhuhai, China [ACM, White Rose eprints]
  11. James McIlveen, Steve Maddock, Peter Heywood and Paul Richmond. PED: Pedestrian Environment Designer. Proc. CGVC2016, 15-16 September, 2016, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom [, pdf authors' copy]
  12. Wuyang Shui, Steve Maddock, Peter Heywood, Elizabeth Craig-Atkins, Jennifer Crangle, Dawn Hadley and Rab Scott. Using semi-automatic 3D scene reconstruction to create a digital medieval charnel chapel. Proc. CGVC2016, 15-16 September, 2016, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom [pdf]
  13. T. Allen, A. Parvanov, S. Knight, S. Maddock. Using sketching to control heterogeneous groups. Proc. Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2015, Wednesday, 16-17 September, 2015, University College London, UK [pdf, video]
  14. Najwa Alghamdi, Steve Maddock, Guy J. Brown, Jon Barker. Investigating the Impact of Artificial Enhancement of Lip Visibility on the Intelligibility of Spectrally-Distorted Speech. Proc. FAAVSP 2015 - The 1st Joint Conference on Facial Analysis, Animation and Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, 11-13 September, 2015, Vienna, Austria, pp.93-98 [pdf]
  15. Heywood P., Richmond P., Maddock S. (2015) Road Network Simulation Using FLAME GPU. In: Hunold S. et al. (eds) Euro-Par 2015: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9523. Springer, Cham [Springer, White Rose eprints]
  16. N. Alghamdi, S. Maddock, G.J. Brown, J. Barker. A comparison of audiovisual and auditory-only training on the perception of spectrally-distorted speech. ICPhS 2015, 10-14 August, 2015, SECC, Glasgow. (paper and poster) [Semantic scholar]
  17. Mark Warburton and Steve Maddock. GPU Simulation of Finite Element Facial Soft-Tissue Models. Proc. TP.CG.2013, Bath, UK, Sep, 2013, pp.1-8 (Best student paper) [pdf]
  18. Mark Warburton and Steve Maddock. Creating Finite Element Models of Facial Soft Tissue. In Proc. WSCG 2013 (Journal of WSCG 21(3)), Plsen, Czech Republic, June 24-27, 2013, pp. 215-224. [pdf]
  19. Mark Warburton and Steve Maddock. Physically-Based Forehead Animation including Wrinkles. In Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2013), Istanbul, Turkey, May 16-18, 2013. [pdf]
  20. Warburton, M. and S. Maddock (2012), "Creating Animatable Non-Conforming Hexahedral Finite Element Facial Soft-Tissue Models for GPU Simulation", Proc. WSCG 2012 (Communication Proceedings 2), pages 317-325, Pilsen, Czech Republic, June 2012. [pdf]
  21. Kang J., Y.Smyronova, P.Richmond, S.Maddock (2010), "Integration of Acoustic Simulation with Interactive Visual Animation of Urban Environment", Invited Paper, Proc. of EAA EUROREGIO 2010 Summer School, 15-18 September 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  22. Dey, P., S. Maddock, R. Nicolson (2010), "Evaluation of A Viseme-Driven Talking Head", Proceedings of The Eighth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2010 Conference (TP.CG.2010), Sheffield, Sep 6-8, 2010, pp.139-142 (Work-in-progress paper) [pdf (authors' copy)]
  23. Gunnarsson, O. and S. Maddock (2010), "Sketch-Based Posing of 3D Faces for Facial Animation", Proceedings of The Eighth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2010 Conference (TP.CG.2010), Sheffield, Sep 6-8, 2010, pp.223-230 [pdf (authors' copy)]
  24. Lazalde, O. and S. Maddock (2010), "Comparison of different types of visemes using a constraint-based coarticulation model", Proceedings of The Eighth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2010 Conference (TP.CG.2010), Sheffield, Sep 6-8, 2010, pp.199-206 [pdf (authors' copy), avi]
  25. Richmond, P., J. Smyrnova, S. Maddock, J. Kang (2010), "Audio-Visual Animation of Urban Space", Proceedings of The Eighth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2010 Conference (TP.CG.2010), Sheffield, Sep 6-8, 2010, pp.183-190
  26. Salas, M. and S. Maddock (2010), "Craniofacial reconstruction based on skull-face models extracted from MRI datasets", Proceedings of The Eighth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2010 Conference (TP.CG.2010), Sheffield, Sep 6-8, 2010, pp.143-150 [pdf (authors' copy)]
  27. Gamito, M.N. and S.C.Maddock (2010), "Accurate multidimensional poisson-disk sampling", ACM Siggraph 2010 presentation (previously ACM Trans. Graph., 29, 1, Article 8 (December 2009) (ACM link, pdf)
  28. Gunnarsson, O. and S.Maddock (2008), "Sketching Faces", Proc. Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling 2008 (SBIM 2008), Annecy, France, June 11-13 ,2008 [pdf (abstract, Eurographics DL), project page]
  29. Salas, M. and S.C.Maddock (2008), "Segmenting the External Surface of a Human Skull in MR Data", Proceedings of The Sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008 Conference (TP.CG.08), University of Manchester, UK, 9-11th June 2008 [pdf (abstract, Eurographics DL), Technical report]
  30. Gamito, M.N. and S.C.Maddock (2008), "Localised Topology Correction for Hypertextured Terrains", Proceedings of The Sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008 Conference (TP.CG.08), University of Manchester, UK, 9-11th June 2008 [local pdf and animations, project page] (Best student paper for technical content)
  31. Martinez Lazalde, O., S. Maddock, M.Meredith (2007), "A Mexican-Spanish Talking Head", The Third International Conference on Games Research and Development 2007 (CyberGames 2007), 10-11 September 2007, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. [draft (pdf)]
  32. BinSubaih, A. and S. Maddock (2007), "G-factor Portability in Game Development Using Game Engines", The Third International Conference on Games Research and Development 2007 (CyberGames 2007), 10-11 September 2007, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. [pdf]
  33. Gamito, M.N. and S.C.Maddock (2007), "Topological Correction of Hypertextured Implicit Surfaces for Ray Casting", Proc. Shape Modeling International 2007, Lyon, France, June 13-15, 2007 [local pdf and animations]
  34. Gunnarsson, O. and S.Maddock (2007), "A Statistically-Assisted Sketch-Based Interface for Creating Arbitrary 3-dimensional Faces", Proc. Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2007, University of Wales, Bangor, UK, 13-15th June 2007 [pdf]
  35. Meredith, M. and S.Maddock (2006), "Inverse skinning" The 3rd European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2006), The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Savoy Place, London, WC2R 0BL, 29-30 November 2006, pp.163-172. [pdf]
  36. A. BinSubaih, S.C. Maddock (2006), "Using ATAM to Evaluate a Game-based Architecture", Workshop on Architecture-Centric Evolution (ACE 2006), Hosted at the 20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ECOOP 2006, July 3-7, 2006, Nantes, France. [pdf, pdf]
  37. Gamito, M., Maddock, S. (2006), "A Progressive Refinement Approach for the Visualisation of Implicit Surfaces", Proc. 1st International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP 2006), Setúbal, Portugal, 25-28 February 2006, pp. 26-33, ISBN 972-8865-39-2. [pdf] [local pdf and animations]
  38. Maddock, S., J.Edge, M.Sanchez (2005), "Movement realism in computer facial animation", Workshop on Human-animated Characters Interaction, 6th September, 2005, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK (part of HCI 2005: The Bigger Picture, The 19th British HCI Group Annual Conference), 4 pages. [pdf]
  39. Bin Subaih, A., S.C.Maddock, D.Romano (2005), "Game Logic Portability", Proc. ACE 2005 (ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 15th - 17th June 2005, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain), pp.458-461 [pdf]
  40. Bin Subaih, A., S.C.Maddock, D.Romano (2005), "Comparing the use of a 'tabletop' and a collaborative virtual environment for training police officers to deal with traffic accidents: A case study", Proc. ICEE 2005 (International conference on engineering education, July 25-29, 2005, Gliwice, Poland), Volume 2, pp.94-100 [pdf]
  41. Bin Subaih, A., S.C.Maddock, D.Romano (2005), "ONTRAT: An Ontology-based Rules Acquisition Tool", Proc. m-ICTE 2005 (Third international conference on multimedia information & communication technologies in education, June 7-10, 2005, Cáceres, Spain), Volume 3, pp.978-983 [pdf]
  42. Meredith, M. and Maddock, S. (2004), "Individualised Character Motion Using Weighted Real-Time Inverse Kinematics", Proc. GAME-ON 2004 (5th annual European GAME-ON Conference, Nov 25-27, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium), pp.57-64. (Best paper of the conference). [PDF (655KB)]
  43. Bin Subaih, A., S.C.Maddock, D.Romano (2004), "An Architecture For Domain-Independent Collaborative Virtual Environments", Proc. GAME-ON 2004 (5th annual European GAME-ON Conference, Nov 25-27, Het Pand, Ghent, Belgium), pp.84-88. [pdf]
  44. Meredith, M. and Maddock, S. (2004), "Adapting Motion Capture Data using weighted Real-Time Inverse Kinematics", Proc. GDTW 2004 (Second annual international workshop in Computer Game Design and Technology, 15-16 Nov, Liverpool John Moores University), pp.120-129. (Best paper of the conference). [PDF (591KB)]
  45. Bin Subaih, A., S.C.Maddock, D.Romano (2004), "A Domain-Independent Multiplayer Architecture for Training", Proc. GDTW 2004 (Second annual international workshop in Computer Game Design and Technology, 15-16 Nov, Liverpool John Moores University), pp.144-151. [pdf]
  46. Meredith, M. and Maddock, S. (2004), "Using a half-Jacobian for real-time inverse kinematics", Proc. CGAIDE'04 (The 5th International Conference on Computer Games: Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education, Microsoft Campus, Reading, UK, 8-10 November 2004), pp.81-88. [pdf]
  47. Bin Subaih, A., S.C.Maddock, D.Romano (2004), "A collaborative Virtual Training Architecture for Investigating the Aftermath of Vehicle Accidents", Proc MESM'04 (Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan) September 14-16, 2004. [pdf]
  48. Edge, J., M. Sanchez, S. Maddock (2004), "Reusing Motion Data to Animate Visual Speech", Symposium on Language, Speech and Gesture for Expressive Characters, March 30-31, 2004, part of the AISB 2004 Convention: Motion, Emotion and Cognition, University of Leeds, UK, March 29 - April 1, 2004, pp.66-74. [pdf]
  49. Sanchez Lorenzo, M., J.D. Edge, S. King, and S. Maddock (2003), "Use and Re-use of Facial Motion Capture Data", Proc. Vision, Video and Graphics 2003, University of Bath, July 10-11, 2003, pp. 135-142 [pdf] [animation (5179kb)]
  50. Sanchez, M. and S. Maddock (2003), "Planar bones for MPEG-4 facial animation", Proc. EGUK2003, University of Birmingham, UK, 3-5 June, 2003. [pdf] [animation (1688kb), project page]
  51. Edge, J. and S. Maddock (2003), "Image-based Talking Heads using Radial Basis Functions", Proc. EGUK2003, University of Birmingham, UK, 3-5 June, 2003 [pdf]
  52. Enrique, S., A. Watt, S. Maddock, F. Policarpo (2002), "Using Synthetic Vision for Autonomous Non-Player Characters in Computer Games" 4th Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI 2002) Santa Fe, Argentina, September 9-13, 2002 [pdf]
  53. Eastlick, M. and S. Maddock (2001), "Triangle-mesh simplification using error polyhedra", Proc. 19th Eurographics UK Chapter Annual Conference, (UCL, 3-5 April, 2001) [pdf]
  54. Edge, J.D. and S. Maddock (2001), "Expressive visual speech using geometric muscle functions", Proc. 19th Eurographics UK Chapter Annual Conference, (UCL, 3-5 April, 2001). (Best paper of conference.) [pdf]
  55. Cooper, L. and S.C. Maddock (1997), "Preventing Collapse Within Mass-Spring-Damper Models of Deformable Objects", Proc. The Fifth International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization'97 (Plzen, Czech Republic, February 1997), 70-78.
  56. Minors, R.H., S.C.Maddock, J.J.McGregor (1995), "Teaching the Software Engineering Aspects of CAL Package Development", Hypermedia in Sheffield '95, 3-5 July 1995.
  57. Opalach, A. and S.C. Maddock, "An Overview of Implicit Surfaces", in "Introduction to Modelling and Animation Using Implicit Surfaces", Course Notes No 3, Computer Graphics International, (Leeds, 25-30 June, 1995), pp 1.1-1.13.
  58. Opalach, A. and S.C. Maddock, "High Level Control of Implicit Surfaces for Character Animation", Proc. 1st International Eurographics Workshop on Implicit Surfaces, (Grenoble, 18-19 April, 1995), pp 223-232.
  59. Opalach, A. and S.C. Maddock, "Speeding Up Grid-Data Generation for Polygonisation of Implicit Surfaces", Proc. 13th Eurographics UK Chapter Annual Conference, (Loughborough, 28-30 March, 1995), pp 153-160.
  60. Opalach, A. and S.C. Maddock, "Disney Effects Using Implicit Surfaces", Proc. 5th Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation, (Oslo, 17-18 September, 1994).
  61. Maddock, S.C., R.H. Minors and J.J. McGregor, "Disce Doce: The didactic experience of developing a CAL tool", First United Kingdom Toolbook Users Conference, (Glasgow Caledonian University, 8-9 September 1993), 34-35 (abstract).
  62. Opalach, A. and S.C. Maddock, "Implicit Surfaces: Appearance, Blending and Consistency", Proc. 4th Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation, (Barcelona, 4-5 September, 1993), pp. 233-245.
  63. Maddock, S.C., "Bootstrapping Computer Graphics Education using Student Power", First Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Visualisation Education, (Barcelona, 4-5 September 1993).
  64. Fuller, M., P. Hall, K. de Geus, A. Watt, S. Maddock, "VisLab: Visualisation in Scientific Computing at Sheffield University", Proc. 9th Eurographics UK Conf., (Sheffield, 10-12 April, 1991), pp.11-45.


  1. John Charlton, Luis Rene Montana Gonzalez, Steve Maddock, Paul Richmond (2020). Simulating Crowds and Autonomous Vehicles. arXiv.
  2. John Charlton, Luis Rene Montana Gonzalez, Steve Maddock, Paul Richmond (2019). Fast Simulation of Crowd Collision Avoidance. arXiv.
  3. John Charlton, Steve Maddock, Paul Richmond (2019). Two-Dimensional Batch Linear Programming on the GPU. arXiv.
  4. Dawn Hadley, Steve Maddock, Nick Bax, Matt Leach. Experience Castlegate: Augmented reality and the possibilities of heritage-led urban regeneration. Proc. CAA2019, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Krakow, 23-27 April, Standard session 18: Immersive Digital Media in Archaeology: Memory, Place and Performance [abstracts on CAA site]
  5. C. Butterworth, J. Moreland, S. Maddock (in collaboration with HumanVR). Experience Castlegate. Part of the Futurecade series of events, Millenium Gallery, Sheffield, 20-27 Sep, 2018 (part of the Festival of the Mind 2018 exhibition) [website, FoTM, BBC News, BBC Look North, video of projection of model at Castlegate, Sheffield city council news, Sheffield Star, History Scotland, Exposed Magazine, Wikipedia]
  6. Craig-Atkins, E., Maddock, S., Hadley, D., & Scott, R. (2017). The digital ossuary: 3D visualisation of a unique and endangered archaeological site: Dataset on Figshare
  7. N.Bax, M. Mckone, S. Maddock, G.J. Brown, B. Stone. The Virtual Hole in the Road. Part of the Futurecade series of events, Millenium Gallery, Sheffield, 17-25 Sep, 2016 (part of the Festival of the Mind 2016 exhibition) [YouTube video of the project, BBC Radio Sheffield, Storying Sheffield, Yorkshire Post, Northern Soul, Futurecade booklet, The Star facebook site]
  8. Peter Heywood, Paul Richmond, Steve Maddock and Matthew Jung. Accelerated Transport System Simulation using CUDA (poster). GTC 2016, April 4-7, San Jose McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California, Poster P6203. [pdf]
  9. Najwa Alghamdi, Steve Maddock, Guy J Brown, and Jon Barker. Simulating the Visual Lombard Effect. UK Speech 2016 Conference, 20-21 June 2016, University of Sheffield (poster)
  10. R. Alghady, Y. Gotoh, S. Maddock. Analysis of visemes in the GRID corpus. UK Speech 2016 Conference, 20-21 June 2016, University of Sheffield (poster)
  11. Elizabeth Craig-Atkins, Jenny Crangle, Dawn Hadley, Peter Heywood, Tom Hodgson, Steve Maddock, Robin Scott, Adam Wiles. The Digital Ossuary: Rothwell (Northamptonshire, UK). Proc. CAA2016, the 44th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Oslo, 29 March - 2 April, Session 06 Computer tools for depicting shape and detail in 3D archaeological models [CAA site]
  12. P. Heywood, P. Richmond, S. Maddock. Visualising Real Time Large Scale Micro-Simulation of Transport Networks. Proc. Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2015, Wednesday, 16-17 September, 2015, University College London, UK (extended abstract)
  13. Najwa Alghamdi, Steve Maddock, Guy J. Brown and Jon Barker. Using Enhanced Videos in Speech Perception Training. Fifth Speech Conference of UK and Ireland held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich UK 2nd-3rd July 2015. (poster)
  14. S. Maddock, G.J. Brown and N. Bax. Computer Love 2.0, Virtual Gallery, part of the Festival of the Mind 2014 exhibition, University of Sheffield, 18-28 Sep, 2014. (the student guide, factor tech)
  15. Mark Warburton and Steve Maddock. Physics-Based Soft-Tissue Modelling and Simulation. IUPS 2013, Birmingham, UK, 21-26 July, 2013 (poster) [pdf]
  16. G. Brown, S. Maddock and N. Bax, "Computer Love", Virtual Gallery, part of the Festival of the Mind 2012 exhibition, University of Sheffield, 20-30 September, 2012. [The Gaurdian newspaper]
  17. Ye, C. and S.Maddock, "Documenting character performance using video-based approach", The 3rd International Symposium for Humanities and Technology, InterFace 2011, University College London, UK, 27-29 July 2011 (Abstract and oral presentation)
  18. Ye, C., S.Maddock and F.Babbage "Documenting character performance using modern technology", TaPRA Documenting Performance Working Group Interim Symposium, University of Kent, 7th May 2011 (Extended abstract and Panel presentation) [pdf]
  19. Dey, P., S. Maddock, R. Nicolson (2010), "A Talking Head for Speech Tutoring", Proc. ACM / SSPNET 2nd International Symposium on Facial Analysis and Animation, 21 October, 2010, University of Edinburgh (Oral presentation) [pdf (ACM Author-izer)] [project page]
  20. BinSubaih, A., S. Maddock, D. Romano (2009), "Serious Games for the Police: Opportunities and Challenges", Special Reports & Studies Series at the Research & Studies Center (Dubai Police Academy), 2009 (Accompanied by an award of 3000AED from the Research and Studies Center (RSC) in Dubai Police Academy.) [pdf (author's copy)]
  21. Salas, M. and S.Maddock (2009), "Extracting skull-face models from MRI data for use in craniofacial reconstructions", Workshop on Face Behaviour and Interaction (FBI 2009), Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, August 25th, 2009. [project page]
  22. Gunnarsson, O. and S.Maddock (2009), "Sketch-based Facial Animation" (poster, refereed), 'Facial Analysis and Animation', One-Day BMVA Symposium, the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Informatics Forum,10 Crichton St, Edinburgh, UK, June 10th, 2009.(Accompanying video)
  23. M. Salas, S.Maddock (2009), "A 3D MRI skull segmentation method based on deformable models" Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-09-10, University of Sheffield [pdf]
  24. M.N. Gamito, S.C. Maddock (2008), "Fast Poisson-Disc Sample Generation in n-Dimensional Space by Subdivision Refinement", Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-08-11, University of Sheffield [pdf]
  25. M.Salas and S.Maddock (2007), "Segmenting the external surface of a human skull in MRI data by adding shape information to gradient vector flow snakes" Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-07-13, University of Sheffield [pdf]
  26. A.BinSubaih, S.C.Maddock and D.M.Romano (2007), "A Survey of 'Game' Portability" Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-07-05, University of Sheffield [pdf]
  27. S.Maddock, M.Sanchez, J.Edge (2006). Performance-driven facial animation. Eurographics 2006 Animations (Showcase DVD), Eurographics 2006, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 September 2006. [video files]
  28. A. BinSubaih, S.C. Maddock, D. Romano (2006). "An Architecture for Portable Serious Games". Doctoral Symposium, hosted at the 20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ECOOP 2006, July 3-7, 2006, Nantes, France [pdf]
  29. A. BinSubaih, S. Maddock, D. M. Romano (2005). Tabletop vs CVE Police Training (Poster). PRESENCE 2005, The 8th Annual International Workshop on Presence
  30. Edge, J. and S. Maddock (2004), "Constraint-based Synthesis of Visual Speech", ACM SIGGRAPH'04 Technical Sketch, 2004 [pdf] [animation (3373kb)]
  31. M.N. Gamito, S.C. Maddock (2005). A Progressive Refinement Approach for the Visualisation of Implicit Surfaces. Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-05-11, University of Sheffield [pdf]
  32. M.N. Gamito, S.C. Maddock (2005). Ray Casting Implicit Procedural Noises with Reduced Affine Arithmetic. Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-05-04, University of Sheffield. [pdf]
  33. M.N. Gamito, S.C. Maddock (2005). Anti-aliasing with Stratified B-spline Filters of Arbitrary Order. Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-05-02, University of Sheffield. [pdf]
  34. Sanchez, M., J.D.Edge, S.C.Maddock (2004), "Realistic Performance-driven Facial Animation using Hardware Acceleration", Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-04-10, University of Sheffield. [pdf]
  35. Meredith, M. and S.C.Maddock (2004), "Real-Time Inverse Kinematics: The Return of the Jacobian", Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS-04-06, University of Sheffield [PDF (721KB)]
  36. Edge, J. and S. Maddock (2004), "Spacetime Constraints for Viseme-based Synthesis of Visual Speech", Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS - 04 - 03, University of Sheffield. [pdf]
  37. Edge, J., M. Sanchez, S. Maddock (2004), "Animating speech from motion fragments", Department of Computer Science Research Memorandum CS - 04 - 02, University of Sheffield. [pdf]
  38. Maddock, S.C., (2003) Figure 9.11, in Watt, A. and F.Policarpo, "3D Games: Animation and Advanced Real-time Rendering: Volume 2", Addison-Wesley, 2003.
  39. Meredith, M. and S.Maddock (2001), "Motion capture file formats explained", Department of Computer Science Technical Report CS-01-11 [Further information (inc. software), pdf]
  40. Maddock, S. (2002), Editorial for 'Virtual Reality': special edition on Computer Games, Vol 5, no 4, 2000 (published in 2002), pp.183-184.
  41. Eastlick, M. and S. Maddock (2001), "Triangle-mesh simplification using error polyhedra", Department of Computer Science Technical Report CS-01-07.
  42. Maddock, S.C., (2001) Colour figures 5.50, 7.10, 8.13 and Figures 5.3, 5.6, 5.23, 5.24, 5.27, 5.28, 5.35, 5.36, 5.45, 5.60, in Watt, A. and F.Policarpo, "3D Games, Real-time rendering and software technology: Volume 1", Addison-Wesley, 2001 .
  43. Maddock, S.C., (2000) Colour figures 1.5, 4.9, 8.8, 8.26 and Figures 1.4, 3.3, 3.6, 3.23, 3.24, 3.27, 3.28, 3.38, 3.39, 4.4, in Watt, A.H., '3D Computer Graphics (third edition)', Addison-Wesley, 2000.
  44. Maddock, S.C. (1998), Colour figures 4.7 and 7.20 and figures 2.10, 2.11, 7.6, 7.10 and 7.12 in Watt, A.H. and F.Policarpo, 'The Computer Image', Addison-Wesley, 1998.
  45. Cooper, L. and S.Maddock (1996), "Physically-Based Modelling of Human Limbs", Dept. of Computer Science Technical Report CS-96-04, University of Sheffield, May 1996, 10 pages. [ps]
  46. Maddock, S. (1996), Resources for Computer Graphics Courses, in Workshop Report "Supporting the Teaching of Computer Graphics, Visualisation, Multimedia and VR", AGOCG Technical Report Series, Number 28, August 1996, pp.13-17.
  47. Brodlie, K. and S.Maddock (1996), "HyperGraph - A Review", Graphics and Visualisation (newsletter of the AGOCG), Issue 47, June 1996, pp.8-9.
  48. Opalach, A. and S.C. Maddock, "Computer Animation using Implicit Surfaces", Dept. of Computer Science Technical Report CS-93-15, University of Sheffield, November 1993, 52 pages.
  49. Maddock, S.C., Colour plates 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10a, 10b, 11a, and 11d and Figures 1.5, 2.8, 2.9, 6.22, 6.26, 6.43, 6.46, B.1 and B.2 in '3D Computer Graphics (second edition)' by A.H.Watt, Addison-Wesley, 1993.
  50. Maddock, S.C., "Twisted Textured Block", a computer graphics image that was runner-up in a cover slide competition for Computer Graphics Forum, awarded SFr 100 prize, Sept 1992.
  51. Maddock, S.C., Colour plates 2, 10, 23 and 56 and Figures 2.10a, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.15, 3.20, 7.12, 7.13, 17.1, 17.4, 17.17 in 'Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques' by A.H.Watt and M.Watt, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
  52. Maddock, S., "A Personal View of SIGGRAPH 1990", Proc. 9th Eurographics UK Conf., (Sheffield, 10-12 April, 1991), xx-xxi (abstract).
  53. Maddock, S.C., "Spiral 90" (see below) and "Torus 16: Topazmoire Afrique", two computer graphics images exhibited at SIGGRAPH'90, Dallas, Texas, USA (5-10 August, 1990) as part of the Technical Slide Set, which was also published in Computer Graphics, 25(1), January 1991, pp.6-13. Spiral 90 was chosen to advertise the SIGGRAPH'91 conference and appeared in advertisements in IEEE CG&A.
  54. Maddock, S.C., "Thin Film Interference and a Teapot", "Recursion with a Teapot" (see below) and "Turbulence on a Teapot", three computer graphics images exhibited at SIGGRAPH '89 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA (31 July-4 August, 1989) as part of the Technical Slide Set, which was also published in Computer Graphics, 24(1), January 1990, pp.5-12.